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Then another trifle by him appeared, shorter even than the others; but no man in England could have written it except T. Sandys. It has not been reprinted, and I forget everything about it except that its subject was love.

He contemplated the large well-proportioned letters and final flourish, with his head a trifle on one side for an instant, then handed it to Fred, said "Good-by," and returned forthwith to his absorption in a plan for Sir James Chettam's new farm-buildings.

He was a spare man, with a rather thin, ingenuous, mysterious, romantic, appealing face. It was true that her eyes had moistened. She was touched by his look and his tone as he told her that he had been obliged to lie on the floor of his bedroom in order to sleep. There seemed to be an infinite pathos in that trifle. He was one of the fighters. He had fought.

Again while his new friend delivered himself our own tried in vain to place him; he indulged in plenty of pleasant, if rather restlessly headlong sound, the confessed incoherence of a happy mortal who had always many things "on," and who, while waiting at any moment for connections and consummations, had fallen into the way of talking, as they said, all artlessly, and a trifle more betrayingly, against time.

'On my part, I bear it witness, for I never knew it fail me in the least trifle, and have had very material and early notices from it. How far the price may agree with our present saving schemes I don't know, but good intelligence ought not to be lightly thrown away. A copy had also been sent to Edgar at Rome.

"But there's no need of confining ourselves to any place as near as that," continued the doctor. "What do you say to listening in on Pittsburg? That's only a trifle of four hundred miles or so from here." "He calls four hundred miles a trifle!" breathed Jimmy. "Pinch me, somebody. I must be dreaming." Joe on his other side pinched him so sharply that Jimmy almost jumped from his chair.

They both appeared to be pleased with this, each probably feeling that they had something to say to the other, or rather that they might touch upon topics, untouched before, which might lead to better mutual understanding. Roderick was a trifle graver and more reserved than his companion.

Give him only a good fog-meal which was merely a trifle, just what would serve three men or so give him, we say, a fog-meal of this kind, about five times a day, with a liberal promise of more, and never was there a Scotch Brownie who could get through so much work.

He had been up late last night, and, in spite of the fair weather, he was feeling a trifle on edge. "'In the words of Omar of Khayyam' . . ." Mr Goble clapped his hands. "Cut that 'of," he said. "The show's too long, anyway." And, having handled a delicate matter in masterly fashion, he leaned back in his chair and chewed the end off another cigar.

Directing the outrider, who had now mounted one of the horses attached to the volante, and acted as postilion, to drive towards him whom his companion was partially supporting, Don Gonzales asked most anxiously: "Captain Bezan, you are ill, I fear; are you much hurt?" "A mere trifle, Don Gonzales; drive on, sir, and I will follow you in a moment."