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"I may take it then that you did not see the play and surprise my secret until after his death?". Trewlove drew himself up with fine reserve and dignity. "There is such a thing, sir, I 'ope, as Libbaty of Conscience." With that I let him go.

Now supposing these people to be in league with Trewlove, they might have opened the telegram, and, finding to their consternation that I was already on the road and an exposure inevitable, have ordered my room to be prepared, trusting to throw themselves on my forgiveness, while Trewlove lay a-hiding or fled from vengeance across the high seas.

A crust of habit so inveterate as his cannot be rent without throes, to the severity of which his facial contortions bore witness whenever he attempted a witticism. Warned by them, I would sometimes admonish him "Mirth without vulgarity, Trewlove!" "Yessir," he would answer, and add with a sigh, "it's the best sort, sir ad-mittedly."

"Unwomanly," said Trewlove, with a sudden contortion of the face; "unwomanly, sir! but ah, how like a woman!" I stared at him for one wild moment, and turned abruptly to the window. The rascal had flung a quotation at me out of Larks in Aspic! He knew, then! He had penetrated the disguise of "George Anthony," and, worse still, he meant to forgive it.

"I thank you, sir; not in the least." He coughed, and I bent my head, some instinct forewarning me. "I shall be away for three months at least," I put in quickly. But the stroke was not to be averted. For months it had been preparing. "As for inconvenience, sir if I may remind you the course of Trewlove never did " "For three months at least," I repeated, rapping sharply on the table.

But no: William had alluded to Mr. Herbert as to a youth sowing his wild oats. Impossible to contemplate Trewlove under this guise! Where then did Trewlove come in? Was he, perchance, 'Mr. Horrex, the butler? I gave it up and began thoughtfully, and not without difficulty, to case myself in the disguise of Punchinello. I resolved to see this thing through.

On many occasions, sir, when you were extra sparkling I do assure you it required pressure not to igsplode." "I thank you, Trewlove," said I coldly. "But will you, please, waive these unsolicited testimonials and answer my question? Let me put it in another form. Was it in my uncle's lifetime that you first witnessed my play?"

Then you are not Herbert's friend after all?" "I have made a beginning. But in fact, I made his acquaintance at Vine Street just now. Trewlove that's my scoundrel of a butler has been making up to him under my name. They met at the house-agent's, probably. The rogue models himself upon me: but when it comes to letting my house By the way, have you paid him by cheque?" "I paid the agent.

'Erbert was, as you might say, a hafterthought: which, finding him so affable, I thought I might go one better. He cost me a pretty penny first and last. But when he offered to introjuice me and me, at his invite, going back to be put up at No. 402 like any other gentleman why, 'ow could I resist it?" "If I forbear to have you arrested, Trewlove, it will be on condition that you efface yourself.

He was breaking glasses at Toscano's and swearing he was Sir Charles Wyndham in David Garrick: but he settled down quiet at the station, and when I left he was talking religious and saying he pitied nine-tenths of the world, for they were going to get it hot." "Trewlove!" I almost shouted, wheeling round upon Clara. "I beg your pardon?" "No, of course you wouldn't understand.