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If the building shields the radio, I'll be listening for you and I'll retrace my steps until I can contact you again. Right? Then come on, Wade!" Arcot, fully equipped, strode down the corridor to the airlock. Torlos was waiting for them with another man, whom Torlos explained was a high-ranking officer of the fleet. Torlos, it seemed, was without official rank.

Their colored fabrics, individually in good taste and harmony, were frequently badly out of harmony with the costume of a neighbor, a difficulty accompanying this brightly tinted clothing. Torlos turned to Arcot. "The Supreme council asks that you be seated at the table, in the places left for you."

What you did to that city, we could do to the whole planet. Do not tamper with forces you do not understand, Torlos. "There are forces on this ship that would make the energies of your greatest battleship seem weak and futile.

This time I'm going to make arrangements. If I die here, there's going to be a very costly funeral, and these men are going to pay the costs! "I'll call you every three minutes, Morey. If I don't, check up on me. If you still don't get an answer, take this place apart because you won't be able to hurt us then. "I'm going to tell Torlos about our precautions.

"I have a better idea," Arcot told him. "It will save you a long walk. We'll make the ship invisible, and take you close to the city. You can drop, say ten feet from the ship to the ground, and continue from there. Will that be all right?" Torlos agreed that it would.

The physicist smiled when Arcot was finished, and tried to reply, but he was not a good transmitter. Torlos aided him. "He says that the science of your people is far ahead of us. The conceptions are totally foreign to his mind, and he can only barely grasp the significance of the idea of bent emptiness that you have given him.

"All my people are strong," he thought. "I can not understand why you are not. That was a tool? We could not use it so; it is too weak." Wade and the others picked up the thought, and Wade laughed. "I suppose they use old I-beams to tie up their Christmas presents." Arcot held a moment of silent consultation with Torlos, then turned to the others.

"I will not touch these things again without your permission, Earthman," Torlos promised earnestly. The Ancient Mariner drove on through space, rapidly eating up the millions of miles that separated Nansal from Sator. Arcot sat in the control room with Morey discussing their passenger. "You know," Arcot mused, "I've been thinking about that man's strength; an iron skeleton doesn't explain it all.

"But we won't have to build more fortifications," Torlos continued, "if you will give us the secret of the rays you use! "But, Arcot, you must hide in the hills now; drop down and deposit me in the hills. I will walk to the city on foot. "I will be able to identify myself, and I will soon be inside the city, telling the Supreme Three that I have salvation and peace for them!"

Suddenly, a ship was darting down from the city toward him. As it curved down, Torlos stopped and made certain signals with his arms, then he stood quietly with his hands in the air. The ship hovered above him, and two men dropped thirty feet to the ground and questioned him for several minutes.