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Now let's get back, for I have a lot to chat over with the wheelwright." The next morning Hickathrift was beaming, and he came up to the Toft to catch Dick, who was feeding Solomon and avoiding his friendly kicks, while he waited for Tom to go over with him to the works. "Say, Mester Dick, on'y think of it! Leave that owd ass alone, lad, and listen to me." "What is it, Hicky?"

'Miss Toft, let me introduce you to Madame Lopez. He turned to the newcomer. 'Keep her calm for me, bright star, will you? Then Otto went, and Clarice was left alone with the world-famous operatic soprano, who was advertised to sing that night the Shadow Song from 'Dinorah. 'Where did he pick you up, my dear? the decayed diva inquired maternally. Clarice briefly explained.

Toft, a field; with, a forest; beck, a streamlet; tarn, a mountain-lake; force, a waterfall; garth, a large farm; dale, a valley; and fell, a mountain, are all of them common elements of names of places in England, north of the line above indicated, and all are Scandinavian terms. The terminations by, thwaite, and thorpe, are still common in Denmark.

Routine does not happen; it flows in a steady current which Event, the fidget, may interrupt for a while, but seldom dams outright. Elizabeth's memory, however, admitted on reconsideration that Toft the glazier had come to see for a job, and that she had sought for broken windows in Strides Cottage and found none.

It was quite late when the boys reached the Toft, to find the squire standing outside smoking his pipe and waiting for them. "Where have you been, lads?" he said; and on being told, he uttered a good-humoured grunt, and laying his hand upon Tom's shoulder, "Here," he said, "you'd better stop with Dick to-night. They won't be uneasy at home?"

He took leave of Janet, somehow, and went for a walk up to Toft End, where the wind blows. His thoughts were more complex than ever in the darkness.

The people of Bursley, when they met her sometimes of a morning coming down into the town from her singular house up at Toft End, would be conscious of pleasure in her brisk gait, her slightly malicious but broad-minded smile, and her cheerful greeting. She was always in black.

A letter'll always get to me, sooner or later, at the 'Bargeman's Rest, Crookford. You can remember that Peter Toft that's my name." "I'll not forget, you may be sure," said Tim. "It's very good of you not to take any, for it's true, as you say, we may need it. And so you think too it's best to go straight to the police at Monkhaven." "I do so," said Peter, and thus it was settled.

The top of Toft End is the highest land in the Five Towns, and from it may be clearly seen all the lurid evidences of manufacture which sweep across the borders of the sky on north, east, west, and south. North-eastwards lie the moorlands, and far off Manifold, the 'metropolis of the moorlands, as it is called.

By breakfast-time Farmer Tallington had heard the news, and was over with Tom, each ready to listen to the squire's and Dick's account; and before nine o'clock Dave and John Warren, who had come over to Hickathrift's, to find him from home, came on to the Toft to talk with Dick and Tom, and stare and gape.