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But it was not a very good living they made, and they often did not have enough to eat. "I'll give you some of my sewing to do," promised Mrs. Bobbsey, "and so will some ladies I know." So, for a time at least, Mrs. Todd was to be taken care of. When she grew better she had as much work as she could do. But this was some time after the day when Tommy called at Mr. Bobbsey's office.

"Is Tommy Dodd going to help buy the ship?" asked Johnnie. "His name isn't Dodd, it's Todd," explained Freddie. "But he can't put in much money I guess, 'cause he's poor. He's a fresh air boy, but he's nice. He runs errands for Mr. Fitch, the grocer. We met Tommy on the train."

Every device known to the printer's art for concentrating the reader's attention upon particular words and sentences, Garrison made skillful use of in his articles from the deep damnation of the heavy black capitals in which he printed the name Francis Todd, to the small caps in which appeared the words, "sentenced to solitary confinement for life," and which he flanked with two terrible indices.

"It will cost something," said Zora. "I will do it," was the lady's firm assurance. Zora kissed her. The next afternoon Mrs. Cresswell went down to a white social settlement of which Congressman Todd had spoken, where a meeting of the Civic Club was to be held. She had come painfully to realize that if she was to have a career she must make it for herself.

Todd, and I her humble follower, as we went our way to visit the Queen's Twin, leaving the bright view of the sea behind us, and descending to a lower country-side through the dry pastures and fields. The farms all wore a look of gathering age, though the settlement was, after all, so young.

"He sure is a crazy one," said Yates. "If I was the boss, I'd shoot him." "I'll report about him as soon as I get back," answered Todd. "Say, you had a nerve to take hold of this lasso," he went on to Phil. "Dave told me to do it," was the answer of the shipowner's son. "It was easy enough when I was on horseback. I shouldn't have done it if I had been on foot."

"In the first place, I really don't think he has got much that he can call his own." "He hasn't got anything, Miss Todd; he told me so himself." "Did he, indeed?" said Miss Todd; "then let me tell you he is a deal honester than they are in general." "Oh, he told me that. I know he's got no income in the world besides his curacy, and that he has thrown up."

But it was all thrown away. "I can't hear a word, when you hollo in that way, not a word," said Mrs. Leake. And then Adela, with an imploring look at Miss Todd, relinquished her seat. Miss Todd rose with the usual little speech about leave-taking. She had, as we have seen, intended to have gone in for a second innings herself, but all hope of winning the game against Mrs.

One bench was occupied by the party of Judge Temple, including his daughter, and, with the exception of Dr. Todd, no one else appeared willing to incur the imputation of pride, by taking a seat in what was, literally, the high place of the tabernacle.

They had heard of the frigate Phoebe and the Isaac Todd being on the high seas, and were on their way down to await their arrival. In one of the canoes Mr. Clarke came as a passenger, the alarming intelligence having brought him down from his post on the Spokan. Mr. M'Kenzie immediately determined to return with him to Astoria, and, veering about, the two parties encamped together for the night.