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There are a great many aphorisms dealing directly with such a state of mind as Timothy's. So the evening just before this hot September morning, he had dressed himself in his very best and strolled over to the Farm, fully determined on a definite course of action.

Martin Grimbal watched Chris fondle the gasping Timothy, clean his wounds, calm his panting heart; then, as though a superhuman voice whispered in his ear, her secret stood solved, and the truth of Timothy's parentage confronted him in a lightning flash of the soul.

"She wouldn't have had much of a time, would she, do you think, with Sir Timothy's sisters?" asked Sarah, with simplicity. "They were in the schoolroom when their papa married her, or I am sure they would never have allowed it.

Curious, by the way, that Imogen, who as a girl had declared solemnly one day at Timothy's that she would never marry a good man they were so dull should have married Jack Cardigan, in whom health had so destroyed all traces of original sin, that she might have retired to rest with ten thousand other Englishmen without knowing the difference from the one she had chosen to repose beside.

When the Chases had been finally tucked away still ironic in their quarters, and the rest of the family had bestowed themselves in the space belonging to them, she sat down by the open window, too weary to undress. Here Bob, emerging from Uncle Timothy's room in search of belongings necessary to his comfort, found her. "Why don't you go to bed?" he asked. "I'm going.

Canon Birch, in the drawing-room, heard the loud threatening tones, and was thankful for the door which shut him from Sir Timothy's presence. "He has laid his plans for thwarting my known wishes too well. I do not know what might be said if we stopped him. I I won't have my name made a laughing-stock. I am a Crewys, and the honour of the family lies in my hands.

You may throw yourself on a sofa and exclaim `Who is my father? while I will sit in the cook's lap, and ask her if she may happen to be my mother." This sally of Timothy's made even Fleta laugh; and after a little more remonstrance, I consented that he should perform the part of my valet.

"Quite," said Soames. He did remember. Smither and Jane had been proper witnesses, having been left nothing in the Will that they might have no interest in Timothy's death. It had been he fully admitted an almost improper precaution, but Timothy had wished it, and, after all, Aunt Hester had provided for them amply. "Very well," he said; "good-bye, Smither.

In the bravery of light gloves, buff waistcoats, feathers and frocks, the family were present, even Aunt Ann, who now but seldom left the corner of her brother Timothy's green drawing-room, where, under the aegis of a plume of dyed pampas grass in a light blue vase, she sat all day reading and knitting, surrounded by the effigies of three generations of Forsytes.

"Never shall it be said that dear Timothy's sisters ousted his wife from her proper place, because she did not happen to be present to occupy it." "Besides," said Lady Belstone, "you have, no doubt, some excellent reason, my love, for the delay."