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"I'm afraid I shouldn't be of much use," Austen answered. "They'd have given me a back seat, too." The Widow Peasley's was a frame and gabled house of Revolutionary days with a little terrace in front of it and a retaining wall built up from the sidewalk. Austen, on the steps, stood gazing across at a square mansion with a wide cornice, half hidden by elms and maples and pines.

"They may make a search of every fellow's room. I wish they'd come here. Maybe they'd find that my watch, after all, has hidden itself away somewhere instead of being taken." "They're welcome if they want to look here," said Andy. "But I don't believe they'll do that. They'll probably get a real detective now." And that was what the Dean did.

Don't you understand, dummy? I didn't write that! They've changed my story distorted it. I'm FURIOUS!" Dan whistled softly. "I didn't suppose they'd try anything like that, but they did a good job while they were at it. Why, you'd think O'Neil was a grafter and the S. R. & N. nothing but a land- grabbing deal." "How DARED they?" the girl cried.

Damon were to bring from the bank. The unfortunate part of it was that the tip I got was to the effect that the hold-up would take place just outside of Clayton. I telephoned to the police there, just after you left, and they said they'd send out a posse. But the gang changed their plans; and held you up near here, where I wasn't expecting it. But I'll get 'em yet."

Yet in the course of the next few days, when his disappearance had got in the papers, three separate people testified as they'd met Joe that evening, and Ernest Gregory was able to prove they must have seen right.

If they did, then once in a while they'd think about something else besides loud ties and silk socks and golf. And they wouldn't be gallivanting off on house-parties for a week at a time, either; they'd be tending to their business if they had any. And if they hadn't, they ought to."

Long way off, England; thousands of miles; they don't know I'm sick in England; wonder what they'd think to see me now; not a bad place, England, green trees and green grass... much better place than I thought it was; wonder how long this will hang on... I'd like to get back after it's finished here; I expect it's all going on just the same in England; people going about to offices in London; women dressing themselves up and shopping; and all that... This is a d place, this beastly peninsula no green anywhere... just yellow sand and grey rocks and sage-coloured bushes, dead grass even the thistles are all bleached and dead and rustling in the breeze like paper flowers...

'Twasn't no good going to Hobkin's Hole again now that them chaps knew I was in the neighbourhood they'd soon ha' smoked me out o' there. Once I thought of making for Norcaster here, and going into hiding down by the docks I've one or two harbours o' refuge there. But I had reasons for wishing to stop in my own country for a bit at any rate.

She was awfully excited. She said they'd seen his signal, but nothing of him. And when they'd found a number of feminine things round they all felt a little well, you can understand. She went back to get a coat, and while she was gone I untied the canoes and pushed them out into the river. I'm thorough, and I wasn't going to have a lot of people interfering before we got things fixed."

It would afford him a good chance to make his proposal while she was getting the fish ready for shipment. Some time after Gregory had left the cannery, Barnes reported he was out of carborundum and McCoy set out at once for Legonia. "They'd be all day sending it up," he said. "I've got to go down anyway and check over some stuff for us at the freight-house so it might as well be now."