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Hignett, frowning, for the interview had ruffled her and disturbed that equable frame of mind which is so vital to the preparation of lectures on Theosophy, sat down at the writing-table and began to go through the notes which she had made overnight. She had hardly succeeded in concentrating herself when the door opened to admit the daughter of Erin once more. "Ma'am there was a gentleman."

Remember that you have a free hand this time. These endless moves must be bad for the furniture, and are certainly expensive." "What a practical little woman it is! What's it been reading? Theo theo how much?" "Theosophy." So Ducie Street was her first fate a pleasant enough fate.

I thought I had studied and discarded it; I see now that I simply cast it away. Afterwards, I gave consideration to other religions, but they were cold, lacking in the higher appeal. I turned at last to Theosophy, to Confucianism, but remained always unsatisfied. I never thought to look again into the religion I had inherited." Father Murray's face was serious.

Newton, should occupy a place in every library, as a record and demonstration of the grand truth that man has in his living spirit a healing power which is proportioned to his spiritual development and affinity with heaven. Sold by Colby & Rich, Boston, $2. This is a brief and clear statement of the Oriental Theosophy.

Their theories seem to them not only practical, but they try to apply them to actual legislation; at any rate, they discriminate in vagaries. You would have been amused the other night in a small circle at the lamentations over a member he was a car-driver who was the authoritative expositor of Schopenhauer, because he had gone off into Theosophy. It showed such weakness."

He was so unconscious of this that, on the twelfth anniversary of her incarceration beneath the stock-balcony, he commissioned his mother to shop her a crown of thorns in the form of a gold-handled umbrella with a bachelor-girl flash-light attachment. There are men like that, to whom life is not only a theosophy of one God, but of one women who is sufficient thereof.

Matthew Arnold, who had such qualifications, compared the work of the later bards to peasants' huts built on and of the ruins of Ephesus; and it is still easier for us, with the light Theosophy throws on all such subjects, to see the greater and more ancient work through the less and later. I shall venture to quote from Culhwch and Olwen: a passage that some of you may know very well already.

Now Theosophy, as the name implies, is a Wisdom, a Divine Wisdom; and the name historically, as many of you know, is identical with that which in Eastern lands has been known by various names as Tao, in China; as the Brahmaviḍyâ, in India; as the Gnosis, among the Greeks and the early Christians; and as Theosophy through the Middle Ages and in modern times.

When the tide of vulgar superstition is at the flood and every form of quackery is welcome, we need not wonder that a theosophy having so respectable a core something, indeed, like a true logic misunderstood should gain many adherents.

She had begun with The Seven Principles of Man. The short preface had attracted her. "Life easier to bear death easier to face." If theosophy helped men and women to the finding of that its value was surely inestimable. Charmian was not obsessed by any dark thoughts of death. But she considered that she knew quite well the weight of time's burden in life.