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Often I no can understand why not loving you then; you are so fine man now but was boy then, and I admeer so much the caballeros, so splendid, and talk so graceful; no was use then to the other kind. But, although I no theenk much before have so many babies and so much trouble, and, after, nothing no matter always I feel deep down I have miss something in life; often I sigh, but no know why.

She motioned to a bottle of angelica on the table beside her, and John took her in his arms and put the glass to her lips. It brought the color back to her face, and she lifted her arms and crossed them behind his neck. "Juan," she whispered coaxingly, "you have love me once I know, and sometimes have cried, because theenk how I have made you suffer.

"Why deed you not seet by the beauteeful lady you meet again one time more on the train?" "Whom do you mean?" "The friend of Señorita Badgaire. I theenk she ees so veree pretty. She ees marreed, eh?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, she's married," muttered Carker. "You are sorree?" "Sorry?" "Si, señor. Eef she was not marreed, perhaps you would beside her seet."

"I hear ze madame say you are not well, monsieur," she said. "I theenk ze madame is right. It must be een your head. I am vary, vary sorree for you. You should not become so much excited." "I knew you were a wonderful actress, Bessie, but you astonish me still. When you lived on the Flying Dollars Ranch you took delight in acting a part." "What is ze Flying Dollairs Ranch?"

Live Wire Luiz thereupon consulted his watch, scratched his ear and said: "Friend of my heart, do you theenk eet ees safe?" "Oh, yes. He isn't a bit dangerous, Luiz. He's lost all his teeth and all he can do now is sit and bay at the moon." Live Wire Luiz shrugged. "I theenk maybe so you are right, amigo mio.

But theenk much when go to die, and now I know that si I am really young again, and well, I marry you and am happy in so many ways with you, and have the intelligence. Never I really have been alive. I know that now." She fell back, panting a little, and her voice, always very low, had become almost inaudible.

Do you theenk Teresa ees the foolish girl?" "Not a hanged bit of it!" chuckled Gallup. "She was the slickest little article I ever run up ag'inst. I guess yeou're right, Teresa. I guess yeou kinder waked me up when you flung them goo-goo eyes at Frank. Fust time in my life I ever felt that way, but, by ginger! I wanted to swat him on the jaw. Great Hubbard squashes, wasn't I in love then!"

"I nevaire hear you talk that way before. Ees eet the babee? That must be the trouble, Ephraim you worree about the babee." "Thutteration! I don't believe I've thought of the baby in twenty-four hours." "Oo, how could you be so cruel not to theenk of the babee?" murmured his wife. "I theenk of eet efry hour. I hope you are not going to be seek, Ephraim."