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S'pose we go mak leetle veesit hon dem Lachlan, eh? Ah theenk us two feller we're gon' beet dat water weeth de paddle een de morneeng." A man does not easily forego habits that have become second nature. Breyette and MacDonald put on their dilapidated hats, filled their pipes, and were ready for anything from a social call to a bear hunt.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief, and, looking up, found Signor Baroni regarding her with a large and benevolent smile. "You theenk I was too severe with him?" he said placidly. "But no. He is like iron, that young man; he wants hammer-blows." "I think he got them," replied Diana crisply, and then stopped, aghast at her own temerity.

I see the big negro again, and I dream that I have more fight with heem. Then, when you pull my foot, I wake up in one gr-rand sweat, for I theenk the big black attack me once more. I am glad -so glad that it is not true." "Nicolas," cried Tom, "you have done fighting enough for one night. Yet tell me, how did you happen to be at hand to-night in time to save me from Mr. Sambo Ebony?"

But come along-Nay Cranstoun, do not look as if you were afraid to budge an inch without an order in writing I have it in suggestion from Colonel St. Julian, that we go in and do the best we can. "Hoot De Courcy, yer' speerits are so floostersome one would be inclined to theenk ye were not at all soorry to see the white cloot flying on yonder hill "

"I'm steerin' you right, old man," said Creagan. "You'd better drag it for bed." "I ain't sleepy, I tell you." Espalin leaped up, snarling. "Say! You lukeing for troubles, maybe? Bell, I theenk thees hombre got a gun. Shall we freesk him?" As he flung the query over his shoulder his beady little eyes did not leave Pringle's.

Manuel, she's ride lak hell for say José, she lak for fight Señor Jack. Me, I theenk Señor Jack keela José pretty dam-queeck!" Dade had come to know Valencia very well; he turned now and eyed him with some suspicion. "Are you sure?" he asked, in the tone that demanded a truthful answer.

But it is no till late the nex morning when they come sudden out of a gorge and look right into a place, very flat like a plaza, where is the pueblo de the Indians they want. For moment no one see them, and they see the girls Dios de mi alma! Have been big feast, I theenk, and right where are all the things no been clear away, Ester, she lie on the groun on the face, and cry and sob and shake.

"You theenk to fix trap, you !" She whirled and faced Ramon, whose eyes blazed bate and murder and whose tongue spoke the foulness of his soul. He flung out his arm fiercely and thrust her aside. "Me, I kill that dam " He did not say any more, and the six-shooter he had levelled at Luck dropped from his nerveless hand like a coiled adder, Annie-Many-Ponies had struck.

"Cleverly done, indeed," said Villiers, "that is pinking off the pill-boxes with a vengeance an Indian rifle could not do better." "It is by breeking the heeds of her coontrymen, A suppoose, he hopes to gain the feevor of his meestriss," drawled out Cranstoun. "A do na theenk she is joost the one to forgeeve that."

"Oi don't a ack loike it, you hic you couldn't tell it on me, b-but Oi Oi Oi'm drunk, aw roight." "I theenk Greer ees in the cook's galley," smiled Deschaillon, who appeared to be rational; then he added coolly: "Eef there ees any fighting, I weel help you, Meester Madden." "Cook's galley!" sputtered Mulcher. "'E's drinkin' hit ever' drop, lads; come on!" "An' th' grub, too!" added Hogan.