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I theenk we all go into the bay this morning, and I fall down twice when I run to see how little Señorita Inez she feeling. Ay yi!" "Why did you not go to the country?" "And who take care the house? The car come back bime-by for the other servants, but I no go. Si, I can go in the train then perhaps. But no in automobilia. Is devil, no less."

Kay followed breathlessly, but he reached the patio before her, scuttled along the porch with surprising speed, and darted into the room. Immediately the girl heard his voice raised angrily. "Hullo! What you been do in my boss's room? Madre de Dios! You theenk I let one Chinaman no, one Jap sleep in the bed of Don Victoriano Noriaga. No! Vamos!"

Now we go little ride more to my house high up in the pinons then we be so happy like two birds in nes'. Firs' we rest ourselves, querida mia. This good place for res', my sweetheart that comes so far to be with Ramon. To-morrow we go to my house to nes' of my loved one. Thees cabin, she's very good little nes' ontil tomorrow yoh theenk so?"

It is many years before 1837, I theenk, is the year; the Americanos no have come to take California; but I remember like it is yesterday. "You see, I living with her Doña Juana Ybarra her name is ever since I am little girl, and she too.

"To say nothing of his desire to secure the prize money," gaily remarked the young sailor, as he helped himself to wine. "Eh, true, the preeze mooney, and a very neecessary consederetion too, Geerald; and one that may weel joostify your prudence in the affair. I did na' theenk o' that at fairst."

She say: 'Pablo mio, somebody make beeg mistake. Don Mike come home pretty queeck, you see. Nobody can keel Don Mike. Nobody have that mean the deesposition for keel the boy. But I don' theenk Don Mike come back to El Palomar." "Carolina is right, Pablo. Somebody did make a big mistake. He was wounded in the hand, but not killed. I saw him to-day, Pablo, on the train." "You see Don Mike?

"To say nothing of his desire to secure the prize money," gaily remarked the young sailor, as he helped himself to wine. "Eh, true, the preeze mooney, and a very neecessary consederetion too, Geerald; and one that may weel joostify your prudence in the affair. I did na' theenk o' that at fairst."

Queeck, Señor!" The gate opened and John Parker stepped out. "Hello, Pablo! What's all the row about?" Pablo turned in his saddle and pointed. "Mira! Look!" he croaked. "Good God!" Parker cried. "What is that?" "Once he use' for be one Jap. One good friend of you, I theenk, Señor Parker. He like for save you much trouble, I theenk, so he keel my Don Mike an' for that I have ah, but you see!

"What ees eet you laugh at, Juanita?" demanded Teresa. "Oh, eet ees the way the Yankee man he keep on making love," answered the girl. "One time I theenk I despise every gringo. One time I theenk maybe perhaps if I find one who have the great likeeng for me eef he be handsome, eef he be good I theenk maybe perhaps " "Oh! oh! oh!" cried Mrs. Gallup laughingly. "Eet ees the great change of the mind.

But the deadly pin-points of discontent and discouragement were still pricking him when he fell asleep. Mike Breyette took a last look over his shoulder as the current and the thrust of two paddles carried the canoe around the first bend. Thompson stood on the bank, watching them go. "Bagosh, dat man hees gon' have dam toff time, Ah theenk," Breyette voiced his conviction.