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Yocomb and the little girls came to the door and asked if there was room for a crowd. Soon after Mrs. Yocomb appeared, with her comely face ruddy from exercise. "I've hurried all I could," she said, "but thee knows how it is with housekeepers; and yet how should thee know, living all thy life alone in dens, as thee said? Why, thee's having a reception."

"Bury I wi' wots in thur, and take care o' the rest on't. Thee's want it bad enough afore th' spring comes." Madge replaced the stocking without examining it. She was heavy at heart. Before morning her mother was dead. Madge went back to her own cottage, carrying with her just a sovereign in sixpences and fourpenny-bits. She sat down and wept. No one came near her.

"May be so," replied Don Quixote; "but to come to the point, what does Teresa say?" "Teresa says," replied Sancho, "that I should make sure with your worship, and 'let papers speak and beards be still, for 'he who binds does not wrangle, since one 'take' is better than two 'I'll give thee's; and I say a woman's advice is no great thing, and he who won't take it is a fool."

The trouble with thee is that thee's ashamed, or at least that thee won't acknowledge the relation, and be true to it." "Dear Mrs. Yocomb," I cried in dismay, "I must either renounce heathenism or go away from your influence," and I left precipitately.

"I don't care for myself, I'm not afraid of work, but thee's not able to do what thee does now, mother. If I have outside things to look after, how can I help thee as I should? And the boys are about as much dependence as a flock of barn swallows!" "Don't thee fret about me, dear; the way will open. Thy father has thought and planned for us. Have patience while I tell thee.

We won't get half through to-day, but that's no reason for thy leaving us. We are all one family under this roof, thank God, and I'm going to thank Him to-day in good old style and no make-believe;" and he kept her hand as she sat down by him. "If you knew how homesick I've often been you would realize how much good your words do me," she replied gratefully. "So thee's been homesick, has thee?

Presently he heard heavy steps and the tapping of a cane on the stairs; and as the door opened he saw the drab surtout of the worthy and much-esteemed friend who sat beside him at the head of the meeting. "How's thee do, Aminadab?" said he. "Thee's voted, I suppose?" "No, Jacob," said he; "I don't like the candidate. I can't see my way clear to vote for a warrior."

"That little dawg be wurth twenty pun!" said one of the rustics to Mary, on one occasion when she was sitting in her little garden, carefully brushing and combing the silky coat of the little "toy" "Th'owd man thee's been a' nussin' ought to give 'im to thee as a thank-offerin'." "I wouldn't take him," Mary answered "He's perhaps the only friend the poor old fellow has got in the world.

The hat was not there; but Hope's eyes were on his, and there were a hundred Quaker hats or Cardinals' hats in them. He reached out quickly and caught Hope's hand as it undid the strings of her grey bonnet. "Will thee be mad, Hope?" "All the world's mad but thee and me, David, and thee's a bit mad," she answered in the tongue of Framley.

"You know what the old Quaker said to his wife: 'All the world's queer, dear, except thee and me and thee's a little queer!" The angry young man would have liked to get a little more light on the question, but Chairman Presson was ready for them and hustled them into the carriage.

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