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But the Tertium Quid was glued to the saddle his face blue and white and he looked into the Man's Wife's eyes. Then the Man's Wife clutched at the mare's head and caught her by the nose instead of the bridle. The brute threw up her head and went down with a scream, the Tertium Quid upon her, and the nervous grin still set on his face.

Cambalu, vbi competens calor, ibi moratur hyeme. Tertium in ciuitate Iongh, in quo et in isto Caydo, vt saepius seruat sedem, eo quod in istis est aer magis temperatus, quamuis semper calidus videtur Nostratibus. The English Version.

That blackguard Vittie can't poll more than a couple of hundred." "Vittie," I said "is, I suppose, the tertium quid, not the Nationalist. I'm sorry to trouble you with inquiries of this kind, but in case of accident it's better for me to know exactly who my opponents are." "He calls himself a Liberal.

That is to say, when two impressions of equal figures are present, there arises in the mind a tertium quid, which is the perception of equality. On his own principles, Hume should therefore have placed this "perception" among the ideas of reflection. However, as we have seen, he expressly excludes everything but the emotions and the passions from this group.

A coolie carrying a log of wood came round a corner, and the mare went wide to avoid him forefeet in and haunches out, as a sensible mare should go. 'To the world's end, said the Man's Wife, and looked unspeakable things over her near shoulder at the Tertium Quid.

Alij de prope venientes superaddunt labori itinerandi, vt ad tertium vel ad quartum passum semper cadant in genibus.

The second thought streaming from the death-ship and the curving river is the thought of the older South, the sincere and passionate belief that somewhere between men and cattle, God created a tertium quid, and called it a Negro, a clownish, simple creature, at times even lovable within its limitations, but straitly foreordained to walk within the Veil.

Perhaps they do these things with more limited resources in Heaven? Will difficulties of communication or any other tertium quid, make up the difference? I first read the record with repulsion, and now find in it some elements of attraction. Do you care for a little more? She wanted to see "angels," and gives a very pretty picture of an experience with a bevy of children.

For, where the ultimate end is not in mere bodily sensation, neither the senses nor the objects possess, of themselves, any productive power; of the product that follows, the tertium aliquid, whether the pleasure we feel be in a beautiful animal or in according sounds, neither the one nor the other is really the cause, but simply the occasion.

The word 'crank, which became familiar at the time of Guiteau's trial, fulfilled the need of a tertium quid. The foreign terms 'déséquilibré, 'hereditary degenerate, and 'psychopathic' subject, have arisen in response to the same need.