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Updated: September 25, 2024

When they got to Temple Bar Goldsmith pointed to the heads of the Jacobites upon it and slily suggested, Forsitan et nostrum nomen miscebitur istis. Johnson next pronounced a critical judgment which should be set against many sins of that kind. He praised the Pilgrim's Progress very warmly, and suggested that Bunyan had probably read Spenser.

Robertson's excellent historical works, in the ardour of contest, than expressed his real and decided opinion; for it is not easy to suppose, that he should so widely differ from the rest of the literary world. JOHNSON. 'I remember once being with Goldsmith in Westminster-abbey. While we surveyed the Poets' Corner, I said to him, "Forsitan et nostrum nomen miscebitur istis."

As if we wanted to insult the thirteen colonies as well as to subdue them, we must set upon them these hordes of Hessians, and the murderers out of the Indian wigwams. Was our great quarrel not to be fought without tali auxilio and istis defensoribus? Ah! 'tis easy, now we are worsted, to look over the map of the great empire wrested from us, and show how we ought not to have lost it.

The young poet may still stand where he and Goldsmith stood in Poets' Corner and say in his heart with Johnson "Forsitan et nostrum nomen miscebitur istis."

I do not know how I came to trouble my head so much about politics today, which has been so very free from them for some years: I suppose it was because I knew that I was writing to the most consummate politician of this, and his age. If I err, you will set me right; 'si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti', etc.

But when he goes on as they did to Temple Bar, he will find that ancient monument retired into the country and certainly nothing whatever to remind him of the Jacobite heads still mouldering on it, which gave occasion to Goldsmith's witty turning of his Tory friend's quotation "Forsitan et nostrum nomen miscebitur ISTIS." But on that holy ground the Johnsonian will hardly miss even Temple Bar.

Spectators, observing that each party is alternately conqueror and conquered, are led to regard the subject of dispute as beyond the power of man to decide upon. But such an opinion cannot be justified; and it is sufficient to apply to these reasoners the remark: Non defensoribus istis Tempus eget.

Ibi videntur leones albi in mira magnitudine boum nostrorum, et multae diuersae bestiae, et aues, bestiolae, et auiculae aliarum specierum quam in partibus istis. Nam ibi et in nonnullis alijs insulis vidi vnum mirum, de quo prius vix credidissem narranti, videlicet anates cum duobus capitibus.

I do not know how I came to trouble my head so much about politics today, which has been so very free from them for some years: I suppose it was because I knew that I was writing to the most consummate politician of this, and his age. If I err, you will set me right; 'si quid novisti rectius istis, candidus imperti', etc.

Aquinas likewise holdeth, that the consecration of a sacrament is not absolutely tied to a certain form of words. And so saith Conradus Vorstius, speaking of the eucharist. Wherefore Vossius doth rightly condemn the Papists, quod consecrationem non aliis verbis fieri putant, quam istis, hoc est corpus meum, et hic est sanguis meus. Sect. 1.

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