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Cato hinted that the officers of the Court would turn Catulus out, if he continued to act as he did. The mother of Terentia must have married a Fabius, by whom she had this Fabia, the half sister of Terentia. Fabia was a woman of rank. Therefore in place of "he was," line 10 from bottom, read "and she was;" and in the same line omit "but."

Terentia is said also to have had an imperious temper; but the only ground for this assertion seems to have been that she quarrelled occasionally with her sister-in-law Pomponia, sister of Atticus and wife of Quintus Cicero; and since Pomponia, by her own brother's account, showed her temper very disagreeably to her husband, the feud between the ladies was more likely to have been her fault than Terentia's.

Causidiena, within three years after Brinnaria's ordeal, became totally blind. Care of her devolved particularly upon Terentia, of whom she was dotingly fond.

Terentia also I would ask you to protect, and to write me word on every subject. Be as brave as the nature of the case admits. Thessalonica, 13 June. The lex Aurelia, which divided the juries between the senators, equites, and tribuni ærarii, was passed in Pompey's first consulship, B.C. 70. The public transactions up to the 25th of May I have learnt from your letter.

Dion Cassius. See the 2nd Philippic, passim. In a letter to Decimus Brutus, he says: "Quare hortatione tu quidem non egos, si ne illa quidem in re, quae a te gesta est post hominum memoriam maxima, hortatorem desiderasti." Ad Fam. xi. 5. To Atticus, xi. 5, 6. Ad Caelium, Ad Fam. ii. 16. To Atticus, xi. 7. See To Atticus, xi. 7-9; To Terentia, Ad Fam. xiv. 12.

But in all other matters Causidiena and Terentia were concerned only when their participation was demanded by canonical regulations, Terentia devoting herself to attendance on Causidiena, while Causidiena officiated only when the presence of the Chief Vesta was indispensable.

Cato and Metellus had been said to have come home. Cæsar did not choose that this should be so, and had ordered them away. It was clearly manifest to every man alive now that Cæsar was the actual master of Italy. During the whole of this winter he is on terms with Terentia, but he writes to her in the coldest strain.

TERENTIA FLAVOLA, who was taken as a Vestal to fill Meffia's place, was a really beautiful girl. Her hair was golden hair in fact, not merely in name; her eyes were an intense, bright blue; her complexion was exquisite, the delicate texture and perfect whiteness of her skin emphasized by the healthful coloring which came and went on her cheeks.

Most of them are indeed mere names to us, and we have to be careful in weighing what is said of them by later writers. But of two or three of them we do in fact know a good deal. The one of whom we really know most is the wife of Cicero, Terentia: an ordinary lady, of no particular ability or interest, who may stand as representative of the quieter type of married woman.

"The result is that Causidiena has had one of her semi-fainting spells and is in her arm-chair for the day, poor Manlia has one of her splitting headaches and Terentia is almost as bad. I never saw the Atrium in such a state. Campia goes to sleep off and on from exhaustion, but she wakes up howling and keeps blubbering and whining and sniveling. I left both Terentia and Manlia in tears.