United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Forbye I ken weel the place, an' sae God wills, I can guide ye intill it by nicht as weel as ithers could by day." "I'm not the man to shirk the call to arms when the bugle sounds," remarked Tom Loker, "but I must say I've no stomach for this going before I'm sent. It's a sheer temptin' o' Providence, seems to me." "Hoot, mon," said Sandy, "what is to be, is to be.

Somehow I can't see a man shot from ambush. Besides, it would give the alarm, an' we mightn't be able to carry on our work." "I didn't say I wanted to do it, but it's pow'ful temptin'." "Yes, I know, but it's silence and waiting for us." The four pairs of legs, three Indian and one white, passed on.

He fills up the tin cup into which he draws that Valley Tan with coal-oil karoseen you-all calls it an' leaves it, temptin' like, settin' on top a whiskey bar'l. Shore! it's the first thing Black Feather notes. He sees his chance an' grabs an' downs the karoseen; an' Stocton sort o' startin' for him, this Black Feather gulps her down plump swift.

"Well, corporal that's true enough," said Green, "but dash me if it isn't temptin' to see them fellows there stealin' upon us, and we lookin' on, and doin' nothin'." "What fellows do you mean?" inquired the corporal, suddenly starting to his feet, and looking down the river.

We chases around the block and rings up the janitor of the flat buildin'. He's a wrinkled, blear-eyed old pirate, just on his way to the corner with a tin growler. "Yah! You won't git in to sell him no books," says he, leerin' at us. "Think so?" says I, displayin' a quarter temptin'. "Maybe if we had his name, though, and knew something about him, we might "

Andy crossed the ferry with Mr. Gale, and then returning at once, took the four o'clock train for Arden. His news created considerable stir at home. All were pleased except Aunt Jane. "Brother," she said, "are you going to trust Andy alone in New York?" "Yes, Jane; he must begin to rely upon himself some time, and he may as well begin now." "It's temptin' Providence, in my opinion."

What say you?" "Yes, Mr Troubridge, you're quite right, sir," answered the boatswain. "That there island looks most terrible temptin', shinin' there in the a'ternoon sunlight, and I should dearly like to stretch my legs by takin' a run ashore there afore I turn in to-night as I make no doubt is the case with all hands; but what you say is right, sir; and what you propose is the proper thing to do.