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"It was about here," I announced, "that the arroyo opened out into the Laguna Dulce, a little fresh water pool where Richardson's Indians delighted to take a cold plunge on leaving their steaming temescal." "Richardson? Hardly a Spanish name!" "No, but a Spaniard by naturalization and marriage.

Martin nodded that he heard, it was a habit of nature with him to pay heed to whoever talked to him, and poured a cup of lukewarm coffee. "Goin' to the Lotus Club dance to-night?" Jim demanded. "They're goin' to have beer, an' if that Temescal bunch comes, there'll be a rough-house. I don't care, though. I'm takin' my lady friend just the same. Cripes, but I've got a taste in my mouth!"

And on boiled pork and beans he rang the changes, morning, noon, and night; that is to say, sometimes it was hot, and sometimes it was cold, but it was ever boiled pork and beans. The following night we reached a little place at the foot of the higher mountains called Temescal, a very diminutive place, consisting, indeed, of but one small house.

He worked for other persons. But your grandmother was of good stock, only the children did not take after her. Don't I remember when I first met them, catching fish at Lake Temescal?" "What is education?" Edwin asked. "Calling red scarlet," Hare-Lip sneered, then returned to the attack on Granser.

What do you think the voice said? I will tell you. It said: 'Where in hell did you come from?? "Those were the words, the exact words. That was what your other grandfather said to me, Hare-Lip, when he greeted me there on the shore of Lake Temescal fifty-seven years ago. And they were the most ineffable words I have ever heard.

And I sat there, perforce, by the campfire on the shore of Lake Temescal, and saw Vesta, Vesta Van Warden, kneel and remove the moccasins of that grinning, hairy, apelike human brute. " Oh, you do not understand, my grandsons. You have never known anything else, and you do not understand. "'Halter-broke and bridle-wise, the Chauffeur gloated, while she performed that dreadful, menial task.

The coyotes were greatly increased, and it was at this time that I first encountered wolves, straying in twos and threes and small packs down from the regions where they had always persisted. "It was at Lake Temescal, not far from the one-time city of Oakland, that I came upon the first live human beings.

A fresh-water lagoon, or lake, was near the present corner of Montgomery and Sacramento, and an Indian temescal, or sweat-house, beside it. The bay came up to Montgomery Street then, with five feet of water at Sansome, and mudflats to the east.

Run into Pomona to Gary avenue, turn to the right and follow it to the Chino ranch; follow the winding roads, circling to the Chino hills, to Rincon, then on, over fairly good roads, to Corona. Pass through that city, then down the beautiful Temescal Canyon to Elsinore. Move on through Murrietta to Temecula. Three Routes. Beyond Temecula three routes are open to you.

Near the centre of the group of huts stood the temescal an institution with nearly every Southern California tribe of Indians where those who were ill subjected themselves to the heroic treatment of parboiling over a fire, until in a profuse perspiration, to be followed, on crawling out, by a plunge into the icy water of the stream. It was truly a case of kill or cure.