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In compliance with his telephoned request, Rose had packed her suit case, and was all ready to accompany him when he arrived at the Merrimans' apartment in a taxicab, to take her with him to the North Station to catch the nine o'clock train.

As he emerged from the big front yard of his home, he chanced to look toward town, and observed an orange-colored taxicab standing near the first crossing.

Let us hope that we find our man at home. If this happens to be his opera or theater evening, we are going to be delayed." Murk followed him down in the elevator and to the street, where Prale engaged a taxicab. The machine took them up past the Park and to an exclusive residence section, where it stopped on a corner. Prale and Murk got out, and Prale instructed the chauffeur to wait.

Kennedy nodded. "Might this present trouble be a recurrence of the old trouble?" She shook her head. "No; this is entirely different. Oh, I wish that you could go with me and see him!" she pleaded. "I will," agreed Kennedy. A moment later we were speeding in a taxicab over to the apartment. "Really," she remarked, nervously, "I feel lost with Mr. Mansfield so ill.

Here he paused for an instant there was the elevated, the surface cars which would be the quicker? He looked up the avenue. There was no train coming; the nearest surface car was blocks away. He bit his lips in vexation and then with a jump he was across the street and hailing a passing taxicab that his eyes had just lighted on. "Got a fare?" called Jimmie Dale.

You see," and for an instant the coquetry of a pretty woman who knows she is pretty beamed in her eyes, "I really must have a taxicab or some kind of a carriage to take me back to Ellensburg." The station master, who was a very young man, answered her smile and, reaching to take a coat from a peg on the wall, hastily slipped it on.

The legless man watched the taxicab until it had rounded the corner of Marrow Lane. Then he looked upward at the stars for a while. Then he swung slowly and wearily back into his rookery, and having extinguished the light, sat for a long time in the dark. What was it that had come over the man to let his victim escape when she was so mercilessly in his power? Ask the stars to which he turned.

But she was evidently expecting some one, for her maid had left word at the desk that if a Mr. Gonzales called, she was at home; if any one else, she was out. For the first day or two she kept herself closely confined, except that at the end of the second day she took a short spin through the park in a taxicab closed, even in this hot weather.

Hailing a taxicab Captain Stewart directed the chauffeur to drive them to an address in the outskirts of the city and away they sped.

Pertell called a taxicab and sent them home in it. "Report at the studio to-morrow," he called. "Did you have any more trouble with that spy?" asked Alice, as the vehicle moved away. "No," he answered. "I guess they'll quit, now that they know I have found them out."