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"I made it myself, from the memory-model of one which I once saw in the old country. See, I will show you how it acts. Push me along, Jessie." Dan sat down in the chair as he spoke, and his sister Jessie, who entered at the moment, pushed him all about the room with the greatest ease. "Well, well!" said the amused invalid. "Ye are a clever man, Taniel.

"Why, then," answered the young man with a laugh, "we shall be no worse off than other people, who have to make the best of things as they find them." "No doubt no doubt that iss the true an' pheelosophical way to look at the matter. But don't you think, Taniel, that it would be as well to putt off till our munister arrives?

"You'll do now," said Davidson, relaxing his grip and panting somewhat. "Ay, Taniel, I will be doin' now. An' you're a frund in need whatever," returned the restored Highlander with a smile of appreciation. About an hour later the travellers again stopped. This time it was Davidson who called a halt. "Fergus," he said, "we have been successful so far, thank God. But we must part here.

"He is an ordained elder of the Church of Scotland, and that is much the same thing. And he is a good, Christian man, respected by every one in the Settlement." "Well, well, Taniel; hev it your own way," returned old Duncan with a resigned look.

I come to say that we go to the fort to help them." "Right, boy, right!" exclaimed the old man, hastily belting on his capote. "Fergus! Tuncan! Elspie! where are these boys?" "In the stable, father. I saw them just " "Let them saddle all the nags quick," cried the old man. "Taniel, you better " He stopped; for Daniel had already run out to saddle and mount his own horse.

The object at which they aimed was almost gained at the point when we introduce them to the reader. "Taniel!" said Fergus, coming to a sudden halt. "Well?" exclaimed the other. "It iss sleepy that I am. Maybe if I wass to lie down " He ceased to speak. Davidson looked anxiously into his face, and saw that he had already begun to give way to irresistible drowsiness.

"That iss bad, Taniel, ferry bad," said Fergus, as they reached the bottom of the hollow and began to ascend the succeeding undulation, "an' I am all the more sorry to hear it because our goot frund Okematan is a Cree." "Ay, Fergus, he is a great chief of the Crees, and a man of considerable influence among his people. I should not like to have him for an enemy."

The Earl has too many agents who are not as true as himself. I would rather not delay my marriage on that account. What ails you at Mr Sutherland?" "Well, Taniel, I hev nothing to say against Muster Sutherland. He iss a ferry goot man I will not be denyin' that, but he iss not an ordained munister." "What of that?" retorted Dan.

"Now, Fergus, what's the best thing to be done?" "I will be leavin' that to you, Taniel, for you've a clearer head than mine." "We dare not ride forward," said Dan, as if communing with himself, "an' it would be foolish to make a long detour to escape from something until we know there is something worth escaping from.

Both were very solid agreeably so, when contrasted with surrounding chaos. Suddenly the two pillars stopped though the gale did not. Said the short pillar to the tall one "Taniel Tavidson, if we will not get to the Settlement this night; it iss my belief that every one o' them will perish." "Fergus," replied the tall pillar, sternly, "they shall not perish if I can help it.