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So Zara leaned forward, when the footman had opened the landaulette top, and tried to look radiant. And the first act of this pitiful comedy began. Every sort of emotion convulsed the new Lady Tancred's heart, as they began to get near the park, with the village nestling close to its gates on the far side.

One after the other she held the letters open in her hand and stared at them, but she did not read. The sentences were burnt into her brain already. Hugo Tancred's letter was dated. Fay's was not, and neither letter bore any address in Bombay.

Their late companions remained at Gaza, awaiting Tancred's yacht, which Baroni fetched from the neighbouring Jaffa.

If she had known that Lord Tancred had already refused her hand and that her uncle was merely counting upon his own unerring knowledge of human nature and Lord Tancred's nature in particular she might have felt humiliated, instead of full of impotent rage. The young man, for his part, had arrived exactly on the stroke of eight, a rare effort of punctuality for him.

Lady Tancred's hand trembled a little as she poured it out, but she did not say anything, and there was silence for a minute, while his lordship went on with his breakfast, with appetite unimpaired. "I will take the girls and call there immediately after lunch," she said presently, "and I am to ask for the Countess Shulski. You pronounce it like that, do you not?" "Yes.

In spite of Aunt Jane's saying that he is a cynical foreigner I like him!" Society was absolutely flabbergasted when it read in the Morning Post the announcement of Lord Tancred's engagement! No one had heard a word about it. There had been talk of his going to Canada, and much chaff upon that subject so ridiculous, Tancred emigrating!

Those horsemen, also, who met with falls, incurred the danger of being slain by the Greeks, had not Godfrey, surmounting his religious scruples, despatched a squadron to extricate them a task which they performed with great ease. The greater part of Tancred's followers succeeded in embarking, as was intended, nor was there more than a score or two finally amissing.

He had gained the pavement, and had made his way as far as the Mansion House, when, finding a group of public buildings, he thought it prudent to inquire which was the Bank. 'That is the Bank, said a good-natured man, in a bustle, but taken by Tancred's unusual appearance. 'What do you want? I am going there. 'I do not want exactly the Bank, replied Tancred, 'but a place somewhere near it.

The interview from which so much was anticipated was not satisfactory. The eminent prelate did not realise Tancred's ideal of a bishop, while his lordship did not hesitate to declare that Lord Montacute was a visionary. Advice from a Man of the World

The crew of Tancred's bark, ceasing, by that generous prince's commands, to offer any additional annoyance to an enemy who was at once threatened by the perils of the ocean and of conflagration, ran their vessel ashore in a smooth part of the bay, and jumping into the shallow sea, made the land without difficulty; many of their steeds being, by the exertions of the owners, and the docility of the animals, brought ashore at the same time with their masters.