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"And I presume the porpoises give it up in despair, don't they?" replied old Tom, with a leer; "and yet I've seen the creatures playing across the bows of an English frigate at her speed, and laughing at her." "They never play their tricks with me, old snapper; if they do, I cuts them in halves, and a-starn they go, head part floating on one side, and tail part on the other."

In a land where rasping voices were the rule, it was instantly to be noted that her voice was soft and low. "Stockings is not a bad horse," she said, "except in one way; the lines get under his tail. That always makes him back up and kick; then he got his leg over the trace, was frightened, and ran away. He's the only one of our horses that we have any trouble with.

The poor beasts took fright and sprang off at fresh gallop, the carriage leaping and bumping after them like a tin kettle at a dog's tail, till at one jolt stronger than the rest it lost balance, and fell over with a splintering crash to its side.

"Well, it seems so," said the admiral; "for I'll be hanged if I can make head or tail of the fellow." "If we value our personal safety, we shall hesitate to continue a perilous adventure which I think can end only in defeat, if not in death." "But we don't value our personal safety," said the admiral. "We've got into the adventure, and I don't see why we shouldn't carry it out.

It was in fact the tail of the Flying Fish. Steering in the air was effected by means of a vertical fin placed right aft. She was submerged as the Ithuriel was, by pumping water into the lower part of her hull. When these chambers were empty she floated like a cork.

But the occupants of the aeroplane knew they were the tail lights of the train that was carrying the stolen papers to Monument Rocks. Peggy tried to put on still more speed, but the aeroplane was doing its best. But fast as it was going, it seemed to crawl up on the train at a snail pace. The tail lights still kept far ahead. But although the gain was slow, it was, steady.

It reconciled him to his distasteful part at once, it made rehearsals a joy, and even before the public he could not resist turning to catch a glimpse of the noble appendage, while his own brief member wagged with the proud consciousness that though the tail did not match the head, it was long enough to be seen of all men and dogs.

"A reminder!" exclaimed Peter, looking very much puzzled. "A reminder of what?" Grandfather Frog cleared his throat two or three times. "Sit down, Peter, and learn a lesson from the tale of the tail of Old King Bear," said he very seriously. "You remember that once upon a time, long ago, when the world was young, Old King Bear ruled in the Green Forest, and everybody brought tribute to him."

He hasn't been here, has he?" "Not he," returned the Carrier. "He's too busy, courting." "He's coming round, though," said Caleb; "for he told me to keep on the near side of the road going home, and it was ten to one he'd take me up. I had better go, by-the-bye. You couldn't have the goodness to let me pinch Boxer's tail, mum, for half a moment, could you?" "Why, Caleb, what a question!"

No one living could, perhaps, have been agile enough to measure him, but he looked over two and a half feet from nose-tip to tail-root; and you can add, possibly, a third of that for the tail. But he was all there, whatever his length, every short hair of him, and none of the swarms of buzzing flies around seemed anxious to settle upon him.