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A German attack developed, and the airman likens the enemy's advance formation to a "large human tadpole" a long dense column with the head spread out in front. Evidently the anti-aircraft guns, though rather terrifying, do very little damage. Airmen have had shells burst all round them for a long time without being hurt. Of course they are careful to fly at a high altitude.

It began thus: "A society has lately been started at Saint Dominic's for the preservation and management of Guinea-pigs and Tadpoles. The following are some of the rules to be observed: "Any one owning a Guinea-pig or Tadpole is to be responsible for washing it with soap and hot water at least twice a day.

He was myself myself at a premium, myself without any drawbacks, the quintessence and culmination of me. And yet somehow when he came back from the typewriter he seemed a bit of an ass. Probably every tadpole author writes a pose novel at least I hope so for the sake of my self-respect. Most, after my fashion, burn the thing, or benevolent publishers lose it.

'Do you anticipate then an immediate dissolution, sir? inquired Coningsby after a moment's pause. 'We must anticipate it; though I think it doubtful. It may be next month; it may be in the autumn; they may tide over another year, as Lord Eskdale thinks, and his opinion always weighs with me. He is very safe. Tadpole believes they will dissolve at once.

"What's the difference between a mermaid and a tadpole?" asked another in a loud voice, and without a pause continued, "Why, one drops its tail and the other holds onto it. Ha, ha! Ho, ho! Hee, hee!" "These," said Merla, "are the clown crabs. They are very silly things, as you may already have discovered, but for a short time they are rather amusing. One tires of them very soon."

He was reduced to stickleback fry, small larvae, and even juveniles of his own race. But nothing touched the tadpole, whose unkind destiny it is to furnish half the water-world with food. Had it not been for a diversion, he would have left the water in disgust. Probably it was a case of mutual attraction.

The larva of the Urodela is probably more primitive than the tadpole of the Frogs and Toads, and in the former the legs develop while the external gills are still large, long before the animal leaves the water.

Rigby contrived to scrape up a conviction that the Duke was the winning horse, and in consequence there appeared a series of leading articles in a notorious evening newspaper, in which it was, as Tadpole and Taper declared, most 'slashingly' shown, that the son of an actress could never be tolerated as a Prime Minister of England.

With the beginning of the Mesozoic, or "middle life" period, a change and a progression comes over the animal world. The tadpole life of the frog is a rather lengthened one, while the toad has learned to crowd its tadpole life within a few weeks. It would seem as if, in the earlier times of the Mesozoic, this same change of habit had been going on.

I have no doubt," said Lady Marney, "that we shall have some monster of the middle class, some tinker or tailor, or candlestick-maker, with his long purse, preaching reform and practising corruption: exactly as the liberals did under Walpole: bribery was unknown in the time of the Stuarts; but we have a capital registration, Mr Tadpole tells me.