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Above all broaden their minds. Give them education and the Divine tachin' will find a surer restin' place. Ignorance and dirt fill the hospitals and the asylums, and it is THAT so many of the priests are fosterin'." "I'll not listen to another wurrd," cried Father Cahill, turning away. O'Connell strode in front of him. "Wait. There's another thing.

Oh, my poor eye! it's like a coal of fire but sure it was worth the risk living with her for the sake of the purty property. And sure I was thinkin' what a pleasure it would be living with you, and tachin' your wife housekeepin', and bringing up the young turkeys and the childhre but, och hone, you'll never do a bit o' good, you that got sitch careful bringin' up, Andy Rooney!

This made it seem improbable to Howard that he would have allowed anything to divert him from his course unless his personal safety caused him to do so; but Tim said that if such were the case they would have heard his gun. "Do you s'pose he's the boy to lit a wild animal or any of them red gintlemen step up to him without his tachin' thim manners? But he's the youngster that wouldn't do the same.

"I don't expect it," said Frank; "all that's in your head wouldn't fill the corner of mine, if you go accordin' to size; but I'll pay you for tachin' me as much as you know yourself, an' the more I larn the less pains you'll have wid me."

"It's contented they've been until the likes of you came amongst us." "Then they must have been easily satisfied," retorted O'Connell, "to judge by their poor little homes and their drab little lives." "A hovel may be a palace if the Divine Word is in it," said the priest. "Sure it's that kind of tachin' keeps Ireland the mockery of the whole world. The Divine Word should bring Light.

Concern and consternation sat on every brow, as the Little'un unfolded his tale, and we surveyed the universal smash of our crockery. Only O'Gaygun showed signs of levity. In stentorian tones he shouted: "A jedgment! a jedgment on ye, bhoys! The very bastes is sint to prache aginst yer exthravagance an' lukshury! The pigs is tachin' ye as they tached the howly St. Anthony av ould! O glory, glory!

"'The longer word, says me friend Nero, 'is the tachin' of this new sect of people they call the Christians. 'Tis them that's raysponsible for me smokin' be night in holes and corners of the dark. "And then I sets down and takes off a shoe and rubs me foot that is frosted, and the Imperor tells me about it.

"I seen her the other day, and a neater little heifer never turned out to pasture. Lord, I’d like to be gnawing the corners of the primer right now, if she was there to whale the ruler." "Arrah," bayed Costigan, "but the women question is gittin’ complicated ontoirely, wid Miss Rodneyan’ herself lukin’ loike a saint in a church windowdalin’ the mails an’ th’ other wan tachin’ in the mountains.

At the palace they found an hundred thousand people, who had come from all parts of Kathay, the countries of Tachin and Machin, Kalmak, Kabul, Karakoja, Jurga, and the sea coasts.