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Jim gazed at her in amazement. He had forgotten his goggles and fur coat. "What's the matter?" he asked in high-keyed tones of surprise. Nance made no answer but crouched lower and attempted to put the table between them. "What t'ell Bill ails you will you tell me?" he asked with rising wrath. "I THOUGHT you wuz the devil," the old woman panted. "Now I KNOW it!"

"Wat t'ell do yu' think this is puss-in-the-corner? Cut out the marathon, and come on and fight." Indeed it was good; it was one of those dearly desired comedy moments which Holliday knew would grow epic in the re-telling. Holliday was a good showman. There were more cat-calls, more jeers, and cries of, "Yellow yellow!" And then Holliday went after him and the house went mad.

Then all at once he pulled one uh these ol'-style revolvers an' points it at 'em, an' yells: 'Indicaziones! Indicaziones! T'ell weez your indicaziones! Now you show me zee me-tall!" Casey stopped, reached for his plug and remembered that he mustn't. The Little Woman laughed. She didn't seem to need the tapering off of the story, as most women demand.

Gaston, or Mike, with his eyes half shut and his mind on his cigarette, picked up the trail, neatly crowded the cab to the curb and pocketed it. "What t'ell you doin'?" yelled the cabman. "Pa!" shrieked Celia. "Grandfather's remorseful friend's agent!" said Thomas. "Wonder what's on his conscience now." "A thousand thunders," said Gaston, or Mike. "I have no other match."

T'ell with Arizona." "T'ell with Arizona, huh? You're serious? You mean it?" "I'm serious as lead in yore inwards. 'Course I mean it. Ain't I been saying so plain as can be the last half-hour?" "You're saying so is plain enough. And so is the whyfor." "The whyfor?" "Shore, the whyfor. Say, do you take me for a damfool?

"What did I say?" She turned away to hide a tear. He threw his arms around her neck and drew her lips down to his. "Ah, don't worry, Kiddo I'll do better next time. Honest to God, I will. That's enough for today. Just let's love now. T'ell with the rest." She smiled in answer. "You promise to try honestly?" He raised his hand in solemn vow. "S'help me!"

"You're on there, too and don't think for a minute I'll letcha fergit, neither." The chauffeur turned to his car, jumped into the driver's seat, and advanced the spark. The purr of the motor deepened to a leonine growl. "Hello!" he exclaimed in surprise, real or feigned, to see P. Sybarite take the seat by his side. "What t'ell? Who's payin' you to be a God-forsaken ass?"

"Take a look at him," invited Carl carelessly. "It's not often you have an opportunity of riding with one of his brand. He's in the Almanach de Gotha." "T'ell yuh say!" said Hunch largely, though the term had conveyed no impression whatever to his democratic mind.

I must have been there half an hour when the man directly in front of me, looking around and staring me in the face, said: "Get t'ell out of 'ere! I 'aven't won a penny since you've been watching us."

John's brigade was deployed along the edge of a piece of woods on the right of the Warrenton turnpike and stood for hours. A rumble of disgust swept the lines: "What t'ell are we waitin' for?" "Why don't we get at 'em?" "And this is war!" And no breakfast either.