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This is due to the momentum of the hand when "switching" the pencil at a high velocity over the paper. By such simple means was the beautiful curve produced, which is given on the following page. It was produced "in a twinkling," if I may use the term to express the rapidity with which it was "switched."

Already it was beyond the reach of the rifles. "Yes, but take only a little," cautioned Tom. "Oh! it doesn't seem possible that we are free!" He switched on a few interior lights, and by their glow the faint and starving platinum-seekers found water and food. Their craft had, apparently, not been touched in their absence, and the machinery ran well.

And more significantly, except for a minor blaze or two, the fire raged almost wholly upon and around the Fyfe block of limits. She laid aside the papers, switched off the lights, and lay staring wide-eyed at the dusky ceiling. At twenty minutes of midnight she was called to the door of her room to receive a telegram. It was from Linda, and it read: "Charlie badly hurt. Can you come?"

Be that as it may, a few hours later three car managers visited the station, leaving orders that their cars were to be switched off at Owls' Valley. "That fellow, Forrest, thought he would play a smart trick on us and slip into a town not down on his route, where he was going to have all the billing to himself," said the manager of the yellow car, late that evening.

Clair-de-Lune answered me old Clair-de-Lune, standing in a blaze of light; for they had switched on the lamps below, and the vein of the reef stood out suddenly like some silver monster breathing on the surface of the sea. Clair-de-Lune answered me, I say, and his words were the most terrible I had heard since first I came to Ken's Island. "The water is in!" he cried, "the water is in the house!"

Harcourt laughed. "The scales have turned and his Grand Duke is to be King after all." Benton seized the boy by the elbow and steered him into one of the empty writing-rooms. "Now, for God's sake, what do you mean?" he demanded. "That's all," replied the young tourist. "They've switched Kings. Oh, it was so quietly done that the people of the city of Puntal don't know yet it's happened.

"Give me your key!" he heard Bobby saying, and the next instant his door was flung open, the lights were switched on, and he was staggering blindly toward the couch at the foot of the bed. Then there was a furious ringing of bells, a long wait, followed by the appearance of a sleepy Chinese night watchman. "Gentleman hurt!" cried Bobby. "Get a doctor! Send somebody up here quick!

Lilly drew the curtains, switched off the central light, put the green-shaded electric lamp on the table, and the two men drew up to the meal. It was good food, well cooked and hot. Certainly Lilly's hands were no longer clean: but it was clean dirt, as he said. Aaron sat in the low arm-chair at table. So his face was below, in the full light.

Bostwick had switched her recitation to "The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck," and Bessie had stolen into the parlor and was pounding out the overture from the "Flying Dutchman." The senator was not at all sure he would not go crazy himself, presently; so he slipped away from the turmoil, and, catching up his had and coat in the hall, hurried from the house.

When Gypsy gazed at you out of those soft, bright eyes, or when she pricked up her ears with an alert listening gesture, or when she turned her head and switched her tail with nonchalant unconcern oh, it is impossible to describe the charm of Gypsy. That was it "charm"; and the minute Missy laid eyes on the darling she succumbed to it.