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"I'm sure you are very kind," said Sweetclover, "and Kernel Cob and I are very much obliged to you," and she said this so very sweetly and so prettily that the Cricket lost no time in sending the message. "Crick-a-crick-a-crick," he chirped, and it sounded just like a telegraph instrument. "Crick-a-crick-a-crick. There," he chirped, "I've told them to make a search and we'll soon have an answer."

But they hadn't been there a day when Speed was caught by a number of men, and again Kernel Cob and Sweetclover were left alone to work things out the best way they could. Sweetclover was very much discouraged, for said she: "Now that we are here and have lost all our friends, and with no one to help us, I don't see how we are ever to find Jackie and Peggs' motheranfather."

In and out among the ships the sea-horse ran, until, with a last gasp, he flung himself forward and fell upon the surface of the water. When the sea-horse fell, Kernel Cob and Sweetclover were thrown over his head and landed into the water, but Kernel Cob told Sweetclover they would soon be picked up.

And John raised his head, and you could see tears in his eyes. "Little wife," he said, "you are right. Children are the greatest riches in the world. Let us go back to ours." And Margaret just smiled and kissed him. And they went down the mountain side with smiling faces, carrying Kernel Cob and Sweetclover with them. "I'm blest if I can understand any of this at all," said Kernel Cob.

"Birds know everything in the air, just the same as fishes do in the water," said the Villain. "And worms in the ground," added Kernel Cob. "I guess Dolls must be the stupidest things in the world," said Sweetclover. "Only some of us," said Kernel Cob.

Now you may be sure that Sweetclover's heart fell, when she heard this, and thought of being separated from Kernel Cob, and I am quite sure that she prayed very hard to the Fairies; for at that moment the little Japanese girl dropped her, and this caused Dorothy to see what had fallen, and, when she saw Sweetclover, she ran and picked her up. "Oh!" she cried with pleasure. "Isn't she lovely.

A very wonderful house it was, and full of toys, mostly Japanese dolls with short, straight hair and beautiful dresses, and talking all at once, in a curious language. "Oh, dear," sighed Sweetclover, "shall we never understand anybody in this strange country?" "Aye, aye sir," came a voice at her feet, and looking down, much to her surprise she saw an American Sailor doll.

"It looks like another Moon with the lights out." "It's the Earth!" cried Sweetclover with delight, for she could now see the tops of trees as the sun began to show his golden head above the hills in the East. And little by little, as Kernel Cob and Sweetclover neared the Earth, they could see rivers and lakes and steeples and houses and after awhile, people and horses in the fields.

When he came to the corner where Sweetclover and the Villain had gone straight ahead, he followed on after them, but could find no trace of them. Night was coming on and still he walked and being very tired with all his running, he sat down on the roadside, for he was now out in the country.

But she needn't have worried in the least about Tommy, for as soon as he had pushed them off, he scurried away and was at that moment sitting under a tree, eating his breakfast. Kernel Cob and Sweetclover sailed all day. The shoeboat rode the waves with perfect ease.