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The Major's eyes held the brooding tenderness of a patron saint, as he looked the length of the wide street of the town which bore his name. "Sunnin' yourself, Major?" inquired Hiram Butefish jocularly as he passed; then paused to add, "I'm lookin' for a big turn-out at the Boosters Club to-night." "I trust so, Hiram."

Hearin’ that the quiet solitude of Lost Trail is what he needs, he lit out with the following circumstance thereof happenin’. One day something in his harness giv’ wayand he recollects seein’ a boot sunnin’ itself back in the road ’bout a quartah of a mile. An’ he figgahs he’ll borry a strip of leather off the boot to mend his harness.

Two summits are especially remarkable, that of Jebel Sunnin towards the south, which is a conspicuous object from Beyrout, and is estimated to exceed the height of 9,000 feet, and that of Jebel Mukhmel towards the north, which has been carefully measured and found to fall a very little short of 10,200 feet.

And it's very important." "And if it's so important, you'd better be after sendin' him a cable to the Bahamas, where the Professor is sunnin' himself at prisint." "Nonsense, Mrs. Brady, the Professor got back last night. I saw him myself. He must be up in his room now. Do go and see. You haven't cooked him a bit of breakfast, I suppose?" Mrs. Brady turned without a word and tiptoed up the stairs.

He got a six-shooter out of a holster that one of the cowboys had left lyin' around an' come up behind that dog while he was sunnin' himself beside the ranch house and blowed out his brains! You see, he just made up his mind to settle with that dog, and nothing that any of us could say made a bit of difference.

Thar ain't nuthin' much wus than listenin' to other folks when they talk business. Now the fust woman on the earth listened when her husband he was a talkin' to an angel that was out in the garden a sunnin' hisse'f, and they called her a Eve drapper." "Wall, you wan't a talkin' to no angel, I'll tell you that." "Talkin' to one now, ain't I?" "Jasper, I didn't come in here to be made fun of.

One of these rises near Afka, and runs to the south of west, past the castle and temples of Fakra, to its junction with the second stream, which is formed of several rivulets flowing from the northern flank of Sunnin.

The eye followed their growing heights and ridges, till it rested on the snow summit of Sunnin; then swept round the range to the southward; but ever came back again to the lofty, reposeful majesty of that white mountain top in the blue ether.

Near Bufkeiya the river constituted by the union of these two branches is joined by a third stream flowing from the western flank of Sunnin with a westerly course, and from this point the Lycus pursues its way in the same general direction down a magnificent gorge to the Mediterranean.

The sea grew a deeper blue as I listened and looked; the mountains what words can tell the mantle of their own purple that enfolded them as the evening came on; and the snowy heights of Sunnin and Kunisyeh grew rosy. I looked and I drank it in; and I could not fear for the future. I believe I had fallen into a great reverie, during which Mr. Dinwiddie ended his reading and left the room.