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First it was a mineral claim; then he banked the future on timber, and when he got tired waiting for stumpage to soar, he put up a dinky sawmill to cut his own trees. He was doing well, for him, getting out ties for a new railroad it was down in Oregon when he saw the chance to trade for a proved-up homestead.

You have to conduct a cruising business, and a full-fledged real estate and mortgage business; you have to build houses and factories, make roads, build railroads; you have to do a livery trade, and be on the market for a thousand little things. Between the one dollar you pay for stumpage and the twenty dollars you get for lumber lies all these things.

The Colonel was smiling now; his handsome face was gradually assuming the expression pontifical. "I'll give you a dollar a thousand feet stumpage for it." "On whose cruise?" "Oh, my own cruisers will estimate it." "I'm afraid I can't accept that offer.

In fact, Orde was capable of a prolonged and bitter struggle to avoid doing so. Nevertheless, it was there an asset. A loan on its security would, with what he had set aside, more than pay the notes on the northern peninsula stumpage. Orde felt perfectly easy in his mind.

He eyed the wood with the knowingness of an authority on "stumpage," and added: "I don't know whether we made those rails or not; the fact is, I don't think they are a credit to the makers!" It was John Hanks' turn to blush. "But I do know this: I made rails then, and, I think, I could make better ones now!"

No! no! it is the poet; he it is who makes the truest use of the pine, who does not fondle it with an axe, nor tickle it with a saw, nor stroke it with a plane, who knows whether its heart is false without cutting into it, who has not bought the stumpage of the township on which it stands. All the pines shudder and heave a sigh when that man steps on the forest floor.

Ruth watched the last flakes of the snow falling with a very serious feeling. The other young folk were delighted with the breaking of the weather. Now they could observe Logwood better, and its surroundings. The roughly built "shanty-town" was dropped down on the edge of the lake, in a clearing. Much of the stumpage around the place was still raw.

Hiram learned from talking with his companion that at one time the piece of thirty-year-old timber they were walking through had been tilled after a fashion. But it had never been properly cleared, as the hacked and ancient stumpage betrayed. Here and there the lines of corn rows which had been plowed when the last crop was laid by were plainly revealed to Hiram's observing eye.

"Skinner, my dear boy," he continued, "this is a one-horse concern." "Three sawmills with a combined output of a million feet a day on a ten-hour shift not to mention a billion feet of stumpage isn't my idea of a one-horse concern," Mr. Skinner retorted with some asperity. "Tut, tut, Skinner! I'm not referring to the lumber end at all; so don't get touchy.

They appointed him on the Committee on Parishes; but I wrote a letter for him, resigning, on the ground that he took an interest in our claim to the stumpage in the minister's sixteenths of Gore A, next No. 7, in the 10th Range. He never made any speeches, and always voted with the minority, which was what he was sent to do.