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Did he guess why I questioned him so closely of the surest, straightest road to a man's heart? No matter, he cannot hinder me now. Gently! Ah! I have disturbed him. He moves, mutters in his sleep, throws out his arm. Down; down; crouching behind the curtain. Heavens! if he wakes and sees me, he will kill me. No! alas! if only he would.

For this change in the growth of forest-trees there are two reasons: the one is, that the great commercial value of the pine and the oak have caused the destruction of all the best that is, the tallest and straightest specimens of both; the other, that the thinning of the woods by the axe of the lumberman has allowed the access of light and heat and air to trees of humbler worth and lower stature, which have survived their more towering brethren.

Carlyle would have Emerson "become concrete and write in prose the straightest way," would have him come down from his "perilous altitude," "soliloquizing on the eternal mountain-tops only, in vast solitude, where men and their affairs lie all hushed in a very dim remoteness and only the man and the stars and the earth are visible come down into your own poor Nineteenth Century, its follies, its maladies, its blind, or half-blind but gigantic toilings, its laughter and its tears, and try to evolve in some measure the hidden God-like that lies in it."

"Who's there?" the lieutenant demanded in English; and by the firm, resolute voice the Texan knew that the German was not rattled and that his men would not fire unless he gave the word. "Great thing, this naval discipline!" Mr. Daniels soliloquized. Aloud he replied: "The fastest, straightest little wing shot with a six shooter that ever was, old-timer!" "What do you purpose doing, my friend?"

You won't mind my saying so, but I think it would look a little indelicate. Of course it would be very different if it were a woman; if it were you for instance." "I should do it any way. It's the straightest thing." "I daresay, dear, in your friendships it is. But I think you can hardly judge of this. You do not know Dr. Cautley as I do." "No," said Rhoda meekly, "perhaps I don't."

She had what would be generally called a fine complexion, fair and florid; and her hair, of which she had an abundant quantity, was of an insipid light brown, and the straightest Clarissa had ever seen. Altogether, she was a young lady who, invested with all the extraneous charms of her father's wealth, would no doubt be described as attractive, and even handsome.

It's the shortest and straightest, and Jimmy's the freshest, anyway. Then there was another trouble. How were they to account for the size of the waste-heap of clay on the surface which would be the result of such an extraordinary length of drive or tunnel for shallow sinkings?

"Milt Waring and I grew up in the same town together went to the same school, played both hookey and hockey together. Why, I know him inside and out and I tell you he's as straight as a string." "Your simile is unfortunate, Ben. The straightest string can be tied in knots." "I see by this morning's papers that Rives has been released from the penitentiary," interposed their host.

"You'd never wed?" repeated Will. "There's more lads than me would have a word to say agin that. You ask twenty honest fellows who has the straightest step and bonniest face in the town, and they'd say fast enough it was Bet Granger. You are but joking me when you talk in that fashion, Bet." "No, Will, it is true. It's a vow I made, and it's my way not to go back of things.

"You're crazier about hunting than I am." "Wet bushes," Swan corrected carelessly. "I been tramping since daylight. It's my work to hunt, like it's your work to ride." He had swung into the trail ahead of John Doe and was walking with long strides, the tallest, straightest, limberest young Swede in all the country.