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Tadman gazed after them, or rather at the door which had closed upon them, with a solemn awe-stricken stare. "I don't like the look of it, Ellen," she said; "I don't at all like the look of it." "What do you mean?" the girl asked indifferently. "I don't like the hold that man has got over Stephen, nor the way he speaks to him almost as if Steph was a dog. Did you hear him just now?

This court had jurisdiction over misdemeanors, and was "aided by a jury," as a close student of colonial history, the late Sherman W. Adams, quaintly says in one of his historical papers. These were the jurymen: Mr. Phelps John White John More Mr. Tailecoat Will Leawis Edw. Griswold Mr. Hollister Sam. Smith Steph. Harte Daniel Milton John Pratt Theo. Judd

Nyroca Australis, Eyton. Rhynchapsis Rhynchotis, STEPH. Malacorhynchus membranaceus, SWAINS. Podiceps Australis, GOULD. poliocephalus, JARD. and SELB. gularis, GOULD. Phalacrocorax pica. leucogaster, GOULD. Phalacrocorax sulcirostris. melanoleucus. Plotus Le Vaillantii? Pelecanus spectabilis, TEMM. Sula Australis, GOULD. Spheniscus minor. Lestris catarrhactes. Laras leucomelas.

"If you must marry," said the bailiff, "and it's what girls like you seem to be always thinking about, you can't do better than take up with Steph Whitelaw. He's a warm man, Nell, and a wife of his will never want a meal of victuals or a good gown to her back.

In cases of this kind the patient is apt to be nervous, and the business is done more expeditiously if there is no third party present. So, my dear Mr. Carley, if you have no objection " "Steph," said the bailiff abruptly, "do you want me out of the room? Say the word, if you do." The patient writhed, hesitated, and then replied with some confusion,

Perhaps it was that as took him to Malsham; and yet that's strange, for it was a London letter and it don't seem likely as any one could be coming down from London to meet Steph at Malsham. I can't make top nor tail of it." Mrs. Tadman laid down her knitting, and gave the fire a vigorous stir.

Provisions were transferred accordingly, and by noon next day the stranger made sail on a wind, the sea being tolerably smooth, and the breeze still ahead. In three hours she was out of sight to the northward and westward, the Montauk holding her own dull course to the southward, with the double view of striking the trades, or of reaching one of the Cape de Verdes. Steph.

The larva of this species forms a dwelling for itself, similar in form and structure to that of its American congener, the EPHEMERAEFORMIS, Steph. CALLIMORPHA SELENAEA, pl. 5. f. 2.

Phil Wait "Behind the cross stands the devil." Demop. Come, don't let us separate from each other with sarcasms, but rather let us allow that religion, like Janus, or, better still, like the Brahman god of death, Yama, has two faces, and like him, one very friendly and one very sullen. Each of us, however, has only fixed his eyes on one. Phil. You are right, old fellow. Mundi, p. 104, d. Steph.

Procellaria gigantea, GMEL. perspicillata, GOULD. hasitata, FORST. leucocephala. Solandri, GOULD. Daption Capensis, STEPH. Prion vittata, CUV. Banksii. Turtur. Ariel, GOULD. Puffinus brevicaudus, GOULD. Puffinuria urinatrix, LESS. Thalassidroma Wilsoni. nereis, GOULD. melanogaster, GOULD.