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Maskull, however, returned the gaze without dismay. Spadevil's image-like clearness of form had departed for him; his frowning face he knew to be the deceptive portico of a weak and confused intellect. "It is false." "Is it false to sacrifice oneself for another?" demanded Tydomin. "I can't argue as yet," said Maskull.

Then suddenly there came before his eyes that ghastly closing scene at dusk on the Sant plateau Spadevil's crushed and bloody features and Tydomin's dying sighs.... He shuddered convulsively, and felt sick. The peculiar moral outlook that had dictated these brutal murders had departed from him during the night, and now he recognised what he had done!

How can we always recognise it, in order to avoid it?" "Rigidly follow duty, and such questions will not arise." Later in the afternoon, Tydomin timidly placed her fingers on Spadevil's arm. "Fearful doubts are in my mind," she said. "This expedition to Sant may turn out badly. I have seen a vision of you, Spadevil, and myself lying dead and covered in blood, but Maskull was not there."

"Be very quick, Maskull, and don't let me keep him waiting." He panted, and raised the second stone. She placed herself in front of Spadevil's body, and stood there, unsmiling and cold. The blow caught her between breast and chin, and she fell. Maskull went to her, and, kneeling on the ground, half-raised her in his arms. There she breathed out her last sighs.

Sleep here tonight, Spadevil, and in the morning go back to where you have come from. No one shall harm you." Spadevil's ironic smile was lost in the gloom. "Shall I brood again, Maskull, for still another year, and after that come back to Sant with other truths? Come, waste no time, but choose the heavier stone for me, for I am stronger than Tydomin."

"At this moment the world with its sweetness seems to me a sort of charnel house. I feel a loathing for everything in it, including myself. I know no more." "Is there no duty?" asked Spadevil, in a harsh tone. "It appears to me but a cloak under which we share the pleasure of other people." Tydomin pulled at Spadevil's arm. "Maskull has betrayed you, as he has so many others. Let us go."

Spadevil pressed his hand on her sorb and kept it there for a few minutes, while he closed his own eyes. When he removed it, Maskull observed that the sorb was transformed into twin membranes like Spadevil's own. Tydomin looked dazed. She glanced quietly about for a little while, apparently testing her new faculty.

Then the tears started to her eyes and, snatching up Spadevil's hand, she bent over and kissed it hurriedly many times. "My past has been bad," she said. "Numbers have received harm from me, and none good. I have killed and worse. But now I can throw all that away, and laugh. Nothing can now injure me. Oh, Maskull, you and I have been fools together!"

Spadevil's dark, solid person stood out from the rest like a reality among dreams. "Has the trifork passed to you?" he demanded. "Yes. Why have you brought this woman to Sant?" "I have brought another thing to Sant. I have brought the new faith." Catice stood motionless, and looked troubled. "State it." "Shall I speak with many words, or few words?"