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"Do it quick, then," urged Trot, "for I can't stand those snubnoses much longer." "I'll do it tonight," said the boy. "The sooner, the better, my lad," remarked the sailor, "but seein' as the Blue Boolooroo has locked it up in his Treasure Chamber, it mayn't be easy to get hold of." "No, it won't be easy," Button-Bright admitted.

"Royal! Why, I'm an American, Snubnoses, and if there's anything royaler than an American, I'd like to know what it is." The Princesses seemed uncertain what reply to make to this speech and began whispering together. Finally, Indigo said to Trot, "We do not think it matters what you were in your own country, for having left there you have forfeited your rank.

"Through the Fog Bank?" asked Cap'n Bill doubtfully. "And let the Boolooroo capture us again?" demanded Button-Bright with a shiver. "An' have to wait on the Snubnoses instead of bein' a Queen?" said Trot. "You must remember that conditions have changed, and you are now a powerful Ruler," replied Rosalie. "The Pinkies are really a great nation, and they are pledged to obey your commands.

"Here's a lovely how-d'y'-do We're going to fight the Boolooroo! We'll get the Six Snubnoses, too, And make 'em all feel mighty blue." "Either that or the other thing," said Trot. "Anyhow, we're in for it." Much to the surprise of the Earth people, the Pinkies made no objection whatever to undertaking the adventure.

So they went back to the palace and proposed to the new Boolooroo to marry Indigo so they could get their Magic Umbrella. But Ghip-Ghisizzle positively refused. "I'd like to help you," said he, "but nothing will ever induce me to marry one of those snubnoses." "They're very pretty for Blueskins," said Trot.

"My people seem to dislike strangers," said the Majordomo thoughtfully, "and that surprises me because you are the first strangers they have ever seen. I think they imagine you will become favorites of the Boolooroo and of the Princesses, and that is why they are jealous and hate you." "They needn't worry 'bout that," replied Trot. "The Snubnoses hate me worse than the people do."