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There comes an afternoon when the sky turns dull yellow-white like an old smoker's beard, and before dusk the snowflakes begin to fall. Far back the cursing drivers are dragging their jibbing horses past half-frozen shell-holes, which they can scarcely see.

It had a mission, that cigar. It had to gloss over a slight flush on its smoker's cheeks, and to take the edge off the abruptness with which he said, "Oh, gammon!" as he threw a Vesuvian away. He picked up the lost thread at the point of his own indiscreet excursion into young-manthropology his own word when he apologized for it.

Carter, "don't say that. We have got to have fire!" "Well, you show me how to keep one going," said the engineer. "Unless you know some way of burning snow, I don't see how you're going to do it." "Take it from me, we must find a way to keep steam up in these cars," said Mr. Carter. "We've shut off the last two cars. The smoker's packed with passengers as tight as a can of sardines." "Oh!

When a cigar is smoked in the dark it lights up the smoker's face at each puff. Suddenly a voice from out of the gloom called, "Manasseh!" "Who is there?" It was a gipsy, whose voice Manasseh recognised. "How came you here, Lanyi?" he asked. "Diurbanu had me locked up the devil take him!" "What grudge had he against you?"

At that time my ideal of married life was not what it is now, and I remember Jimmy's persuading me to fix on this house, because the large room upstairs with the three windows was a smoker's dream.

This in time, gave him a recurrent premonition of cramps, gastritis, smoker's colic or whatever it is they have in Pittsburg after a too deep indulgence in graft scandals. To fend off the colic, Ross resorted time and again to Old Doctor Still's Amber-Colored U. S. A. Colic Cure. Result, after forty-eight hours nerves. "Positive fact I never knew Mark Twain to make me tired before. Positive fact."

These mucous patches in the mouth, often called "smoker's patches," predispose the person who develops them to one of the most dangerous forms of cancer, which is especially likely to develop on tissues, like those of the mouth and tongue, which have been the seat of these sores. +Sexual Relations, Kissing, Etc.

A stranger entered. Sherlaw Kombs did not change his lounging attitude. 'I wish to see Mr. Sherlaw Kombs, the detective, said the stranger, coming within the range of the smoker's vision. 'This is Mr. Kombs, I remarked at last, as my friend smoked quietly, and seemed half-asleep. 'Allow me to introduce myself, continued the stranger, fumbling for a card. 'There is no need.

Uncle David that was his name not only continued to send his fragrant gifts to my wife at Christmas and upon her birthday, but he actually adopted me, too, and sent me Chinese cabinets and Chinese gods in various minerals and metals, and many articles designed for a smoker's use, which no smoker would ever want to touch with a ten-foot pole.

The collectable curios of the smoker's cabinet consist of clay pipes, varying from the earliest form known to the later types not far removed from the modern clays still smoked by workmen; of pipes of curious forms and quaintly carved bowls; and the Eastern pipes, which look more like show pieces in their size and forms than any pipe made for actual use.