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Supreme retired to a hive just before dusk, but remained wide awake and more or less active, feeding voraciously, for hours upon hours. When she finally did nap, she fell asleep on such short notice that the architect was taken off her guard. The bee seemed to all but jump into slumberland. The doctor also had to wait for Rolla.

"It's daylight yet," said Stubbs, "but I'm going to bed just the same. Lead the way, Chester. Chester needed no urging, for he could scarcely keep his eyes open. McKenzie hunted his own quarters, and soon was fast asleep. Hal and Chester also soon were in slumberland, and Stubbs' loud snoring proclaimed that the little man's troubles were over for the moment at least. "Good news, Chester."

A beautiful clear moon came out and sheathed all the burned forest in gleaming silver. But the boys were still far away in a happy slumberland. The wild cat fled in alarm at the light, and the timid things drew back farther among the trees. Time passed, and the red ring of fire about Paul and Henry sank.

It was so quiet that one was really invited to go away to slumberland, and then he had eaten much at the big supper. After a long time, he was sinking into a doze when he was dragged back abruptly from it by a report almost at his ear that sounded like the roar of a cannon. He sat up convulsively, and saw Tayoga holding in his hand a smoking pistol. "Did you hit anything?" he asked.

The doll did really shut its eyes, so Rose did not have to pretend very hard that her pet was soon in slumberland. The afternoon wore on. The little Bunkers looked at their picture books taking turns and again gazed out of the window. Rose thought her doll had slept long enough, so she walked down to the end of the car to get her pet.

One after another the six little Bunkers got into bed and, though the two smallest were asleep almost at once, the others turned and twisted a little, as almost every one does in a strange bed. But, finally, even Rose and Russ, in their rooms, were in Slumberland, lulled by the whistle of the wind and the rattle of the snow against the windows.

Again he heard the window sash rattle, but this time he did not move. Then he dozed off into slumberland, dreamed that he was on a tropical island where the perfume of the roses was so heavy on the air that breathing almost became a task.

They had venison and cold hominy from their knapsacks, and they ate with sharp appetites. Then Robert let his lids fall again and in a few minutes was off to slumberland. "Now you follow him, Tayoga," said Willet, "and I'll watch." "But remember to awake me for my turn," said the Onondaga. "You can rely upon me," said the hunter.

"At any rate, he was an important visitor, Tayoga," said the hunter, "and since we've had a good look at him we're glad he's gone away. I think it likely now that all who wanted to look at us have had their look, and we might go to sleep. How are your leaves, Robert?" "Fine and soft. They make a splendid bed, and I'm off to slumberland."

He felt an immense comfort and security, and by-and-by fell asleep again. Tayoga soon followed him to slumberland, and Willet once more watched alone. Tayoga relieved Willet about two o'clock in the morning, but they did not awaken Robert at all in the course of the night.