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They ain't going to be no massacre if I can help it. Gents like Sinclair don't come in pairs, and he's going to have a fighting chance. Boys, tie me up fast and throw me in the corner. I'll tell 'em that you slugged me through the bars and got the keys away. You hear?" As he spoke he threw Arizona a gun and belt, and the latter imitated Sinclair in buckling it on.

"No; I was a prisoner on board; I came here to help a girl." "A girl! Miss Coolidge you mean, sir?" "Yes, Natalie Coolidge; do you know anything about her? Where she is?" "Sure, I know; the damn whelps left her here; that was their dirty game, sir. 'Twas because I tried to unlock her door that Hogan slugged me. The boat's goin' down, ain't it?

Didn't find the boys " Barnard stopped suddenly at the sight of the two unconscious cadets. "Tom! Roger!" he cried. "They were slugged, Kit," said Strong. "You go back to the Polaris and send out an emergency call. Find the closest ship with a medical officer aboard and arrange for a meeting out here in space. We'll be ready to blast in five minutes."

Mark how all things work together for good. When they come to you and say "No title for you. Your son slugged our pal Percy," all you have to do is to come back at them with "I know my son slugged Percy, and believe me I didn't do a thing to him! I packed him off to America within twenty-four hours. Get me right, boys! I'm anti-Jimmy and pro-Percy."

If he had up and slugged this Percival De Lacey that tried to give him the outside of the road, and had kept Alice in the grape-vine swing with the blind-bridle on, all would have been well. The woman you want is sure worth taking pains for. "'Send for me if you want me again, says Redruth, and hoists his Stetson, and walks off.

George was nothing loath, and the two men, standing toe-to-toe, slugged each other with a perfect whirlwind of damaging punches to face and body. Even in the giddy whirl of combat, in either man's heart now was a wonder almost akin to respect for each other's ring knowledge and gameness.

"But, Larry," cried the girl, in evident bewilderment, "how did you come to be aboard this ship? How did you get here? What are you doing amongst such as these?" "I am a prisoner," replied the man, "just as are you. I think they intend holding us for ransom. They got me in San Francisco. Slugged me and hustled me aboard the night before they sailed." "Where are they going to take us?" she asked.

If it had been another airplane, they could have read the number, seen the passengers, and darn near reached out and slugged the pilot for getting so close to them. About a month later, over northern Indiana, TWA treated all the passengers of one of their DC-3 nights to a view of a UFO that looked like a "big glob of molten metal."

"To thet I replies, more considerate: 'But it ain't fair. You'd better get the fust shot. "Then the fool hollers, 'Redhead! "Thet settled him. I leaps over QUICK, slugged him one lefthanded. He staggered, but he didn't fall.... Then he straightens an' goes fer his gun." Larry halted again. He looked as if he had been insulted, and a bitter irony sat upon his lips.

Moreover, there is little danger up here of being slugged by our moth-eaten acquaintance of this morning. A man with trousers like his would not be allowed in. We shall probably find him waiting for us at the main entrance with a sand-bag, when we leave, but, till then " He turned with gentle grace to his soup. It was a warm night, and the roof-garden was full.