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The winter now set in with severe sleet, and snow, and rain, and furious tempests lashing the sea over the works of besieger and besieged, and for weeks together paralyzing all efforts of either army.

It seemed very far away, and Gallegher's braggadocio grew cold within him at the loneliness of his adventure and the thought of the long ride before him. It was still bitterly cold. The rain and sleet beat through his clothes, and struck his skin with a sharp chilling touch that set him trembling.

The march soon became less difficult, as we were following a depression formed by the action of melting snows. We were sheltered from the piercing wind, which had been driving the sleet hard into our faces. We slowly covered some three more miles. During that time the storm passed away, leaving the atmosphere beautifully clear.

When the leaping flames danced and shouted up the chimney till the whole cabin was filled with the physical joy of their light and warmth, when steaming coffee and the hastily fetched food had been served to the others, and the little wife lay quietly for the moment, the two elders talked together outside where a corner of the cabin cut off the driving sleet.

The spars were solid with frozen sleet from the crosstrees to the crow's nest. Your dories would be ice-logged for a month yet." "It it it aren't the Grand Banks no more," stammered Jack. His manner arrested me. The honest blue eyes were shifting and his toes at work in the sand. "There be gold on the high seas for the taking," vouched Jack.

While Heav'n's chancel-vault is blind with sleet, my mind takes its flight through too long a series of years, supported only by the patience of thought and secret yearnings after truth and good, for me to be at a loss to understand the feeling I intend to write about; but I do not know that this will enable me to convey it more agreeably to the reader.

His dog, which had, up till this boding' change, gone on before him, now partook in his master's apprehensions, and trotted anxiously at his feet. In the meantime the winds howled in a melancholy manner along the mountains, and carried with them from the upper clouds the rapidly descending sleet.

Marie could start again in America, with no one the wiser, and make her way. "Smart as the devil, these Austrian girls!" Peter reflected. "Poor little guttersnipe!" The weather was beautiful. The sleet of the previous day in Vienna had been a deep snowfall on the mountains. The Schwarza was frozen, the castle of Liechtenstein was gray against a white world.

One scene was down near the beaver pond, and with the snow on the ground, and the sleet still on the trees, the pictures afterward turned out to be most effective. Special permission had to be obtained to use the camera in the park, there being a rule against it. Alice had one part which called for feeding the birds with crumbs scattered over the snow.

It was almost April when he brought it back to her and a heavy sleet storm lost them their ride. So he spent his time indoors with her, not speaking a syllable of love. When he came to take his departure, he asked her for some other book by this same Russian. But she had no more. "I wish you had," he said. "I've never saw a book could tell the truth like that one does."