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'I was on the staircase, and couldn't hear distinctly; the impression on my mind is 'The gentlemen of the jury want none of the impressions on your mind, Mr. Winkle, which I fear would be of little service to honest, straightforward men, interposed Mr. Skimpin.

Poor Mr. Winkle bowed, and endeavoured to feign an easiness of manner, which, in his then state of confusion, gave him rather the air of a disconcerted pickpocket. 'Now, Mr. Winkle, said Mr. Skimpin, 'attend to me, if you please, Sir; and let me recommend you, for your own sake, to bear in mind his Lordship's injunctions to be careful. I believe you are a particular friend of Mr.

The stores is kind o' low an' I did just figger on havin' enough, by skimpin' a little, to last me an' my crew until we get back to San Francisco. I'd hate to put 'em on short rations, on account of unexpected company, because it gives the ship a bad name.

Serjeant Snubbin, and said it was a fine morning. 'Who's that red-faced man, who said it was a fine morning, and nodded to our counsel? whispered Mr. Pickwick. 'Mr. Serjeant Buzfuz, replied Perker. 'He's opposed to us; he leads on the other side. That gentleman behind him is Mr. Skimpin, his junior. Mr.

Phunky, my Lord, replied Serjeant Snubbin. 'Serjeant Buzfuz and Mr. Skimpin for the plaintiff, said the judge, writing down the names in his note-book, and reading as he wrote; 'for the defendant, Serjeant Snubbin and Mr. Monkey. 'Beg your Lordship's pardon, Phunky. 'Oh, very good, said the judge; 'I never had the pleasure of hearing the gentleman's name before. Here Mr.

Skimpin inclined his head on one side to listen with great sharpness to the answer, and glanced at the jury meanwhile, as if to imply that he rather expected Mr. Winkle's natural taste for perjury would induce him to give some name which did not belong to him. 'Winkle, replied the witness. 'What's your Christian name, Sir? angrily inquired the little judge. 'Nathaniel, Sir.

"Better feed her up pretty well 'til she gits the habit of staying here and mebby the rest who take boarders will be full," she said to herself. "Time enough to go at skimpin' when she's settled, and busy, an' I get the whip hand." But in planning to get the "whip hand" Mrs. Holt reckoned without Kate. She had been under the whip hand all her life.

Skimpin, who, being a promising young man of two or three-and-forty, was of course anxious to confuse a witness who was notoriously predisposed in favour of the other side, as much as he could. 'Now, Sir, said Mr. Skimpin, 'have the goodness to let his Lordship know what your name is, will you? and Mr.

Skimpin, in propounding this inquiry, inclining his head on one side and listening with great sharpness for the answer, "as if to imply that he rather thought Mr. Winkle's natural taste for perjury would induce him to give some name which did not belong to him." Bewildered himself, in his turn, and that too almost hopelessly, came Mr.

By skimpin' and slavin' themselves and their families, by sellin' short weight, by sellin' rotten food, by sellin' poison, by burnin' to get the insurance. And, at last, if they don't die or get caught and jailed, they get together the money to branch out and hire help, and begin to get prosperous out of the blood of their help.