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"Grey; but otherwise much the same." "And the daughter?" "Pretty. At least, Jon thought so." Jolyon's heart side-slipped again. His wife's face had a strained and puzzled look. "You didn't ?" he began. "No; but Jon knows their name. The girl dropped her handkerchief and he picked it up." Jolyon sat down on his bed. An evil chance! "June was with you. Did she put her foot into it?"

Then it sure was liftin'. Then it lifted good. D'you know why? Our four naked perspirin' souls was out there underneath her, hikin' her heavens high. Yes, sir. We did it!... And that lamp kept liftin' and liftin'. Then she side-slipped! My God, she side-slipped twice, which was what I'd been afraid of all along!

Snatches of familiar flying-talk, unheard during the past ten days of leave, floated from the tea-table as I entered the mess: "Folded up as he pulled out of the dive weak factor of safety side-slipped away from Archie vertical gust choked on the fine adjustment made rings round the Hun went down in flames near Douai."

The plane circled and circled, estimating the landing conditions. It swung away to arrive at a satisfactory approach path. It wavered. It made a half-wingover, and it side-slipped crazily, and came up and stalled and flipped on its back and dived.... And it came out of its insane antics barely twenty feet above the ground. It raced away as close as possible to touching its wheels to earth.

The surface of the road on the southern slope of the mountains was a thousand per cent worse than that on the other. I skidded and side-slipped, and once grazed the edge of the gorge. It was far more maddening than the climb up, for then it had been a straight-forward grind with the Daimler doing its utmost, whereas now I had to hold her back because of my own lack of skill.

The fighters were going farther and farther away, all except three machines that seemed engaged in weaving an invisible thread one about the other. Under and over, round, up, down, and all the time the ceaseless chatter of machine-guns. Then one side-slipped, recovered and dropped on his tail to earth.

The wagons 'ad to pull aside to let some transport motor-lorries past an' One's off-lead that was a new 'orse just come to the Column from Base Remounts an' had some objections to motor-lorries hootin' in his ear an' scrapin' past a eighth of an inch from his nose 'e side-slipped into the ditch.

The two darting hawks Immelmanned, looped, barrel-rolled, side-slipped, and then plunged into a dizzy circle in which they flew round and round an imaginary axis, the radius of the circle growing ever shorter and shorter. Every action of the leading plane was immediately matched by the pursuer.

He banked over, side-slipped in the most natural manner and with all his strength flung the tin-plate clear of the machine. Immediately after, he began to climb upward. He looked down, catching the glitter of the tin as it planed and swooped to the earth. He knew that those on the ground below thought he was hit.

The German plan, Parker had told him, was to swoop down from a great height and catch the unwary Allied flier unawares. Stopping his engine, he side-slipped out of the path of the newcomer, rolled over once or twice to befog the enemy as to his intentions, and then sailed aside still further on one of his "upside-down stunts," which had caught the eye of the flight commander.