United States or Republic of the Congo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Stephen said, No, no one had pinched him; but finished up his sentence with another "Oh!" as the gentle Bramble gave him a sharp side-kick on the ankle as he stood. Mr Rastle's face darkened as he perceived this last piece of by-play. "Bramble," said he, "oblige me by standing on the form for half an hour. I should be sorry to think you were as objectionable as your name implies.

And what do I get for it but a tear-spotted letter of eighteen pages, with a side-kick from her pastor, the Reverend Abner Hemingway, saying he wishes to indorse every word of Sister Baxter's appeal to me asking why do I parade myself shamelessly in this garb of a fallen woman, and can nothing be said to recall me to the true nobility that must still be in my nature but which I am forgetting in these licentious habiliments, and so on!

But he turned a pale face toward his side-kick and whispered: "Henry, you tell her," he gulped before going on, "that if she can't find anyone else to slap, there's a man down here who can't fight back!" A sense of security comes to one who churns along seven days on a calm sea on an eventless voyage.

"Oh, that's it?" he remarked with an amiable grin. "Tex most always does the hirin', yuh see. Glad to know yuh. My name's McCabe Slim, they calls me, 'count uh my sylph-like figger. These here guys is Bill Joyce an' his side-kick, Butch Siegrist; likewise Flint Kreeger an' Doc Peters over to the table. Bud Jessup yuh already met."

Paul Chernov, fine-boned, blond, with an ancestral background of the Polish aristocracy, and his side-kick, Tombu, black, muscular giant from the Congo, were one of the strangest combinations of this international space lab crew.

Th’ Old Man an’ his posse somewheres up ahead, an’ Shannon an’ that side-kick of his, an’ Kitchell maybe, as well as th’ Yankees hotfootin’ it behind youor so you hope. Lordy, this’s gonna be th’ Battle of Nashville over again’ do they all meet up! All we need is a coupla bull pups up on one of them ridges an’ we could blow ’em all to hell-an’-gone! Jus’ which bunch is goin’ to claim us first?"

"You there" to Hunt and the Duchess "where'd Brainard go? He's in this house some place!" "I don't know," said Hunt. "Yes, you do! Leave that boob side-kick of mine sleep it off, and help me find Brainard or you'll feel my boot!"

He came with a message from that white side-kick of his he met in the swamp. You can't guess who that guy is." "Who is he?" "Davis." "What! The fellow they tried to get on the Cormorant?" "Exactly." "Is he some sort of a detective?" "I suspect so. Willy ain't much on the tell. He says that man has got Uncle Sam behind him!

Besides, I was somewhat lonely and low in my peace of mind on account of my regular side-kick the Sweet Caps Kid being in the hospital. He'd made the grievous mistake of trying to sell a half-interest in the Aquarium to a visiting Swede.

'Well, the last toime I sees me old side-kick the Lord Mayor, 'e says as 'ow they was took by a Canadian for a soovenir. 'Na, said the Scotsman reprovingly; 'I'm thinkin' yon's exaggerated. 'By Gar! said the French-Canadian. 'See, the orderly come now with water for shav'. Back in de bush or on de long portage I shav' once, twice, perhaps tree time a month.