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The bartender nodded, and Shinny turned back to Roger. "Martian fizz is nothing more than a little water with sugar in it," he explained. "Yeah, I know," replied Roger. "What about those papers?" "I'll talk to you, spaceman to spaceman," said Shinny, "when you're ready to talk to me, spaceman to spaceman!"

"Leave that to me," said Loring. "He'll never know a thing. In fact, he'll thank us for getting him off the station and then giving him a chance to get back in space." He turned to Shinny. "You got the ship?" "I told you before," said Shinny, "there ain't anything to be had." "Well, we gotta have a ship," said Loring. "A fortune waiting for us in the deep and no space wagon to go get it!"

Get me a course back to Junior and make it clean and straight. Astro, Shinny, stand by on the power deck for course change. Tom, get on the control deck. We're going back to snatch a hot copper filling right out of a sun's teeth!" Once again the energy of the six spacemen was burned in twenty-four hour stretches of improvisation and detailed calculations.

The master's unexpected interest in the shinny game was the first and chief cause of Foxy's downfall as leader of the school, and if Hughie had possessed his soul in patience he might have enjoyed the spectacle of Foxy's overthrow without involving himself in the painful consequences which his thirst for vengeance and his vehement desire to accomplish Foxy's ruin brought upon him.

"Move, Manning!" Roger climbed down the ladder and through the long passageway of the Space Devil. He passed Shinny on the way down. "What's going on here?" demanded Shinny, seeing Mason with the paralo-ray gun. "We missed with the bomb," said Mason, "and Connel raised ship. He's ready to blast us if we don't surrender right away. Loring's trying to make a deal with him."

Brite and fair. this afternoon Whack Pozzy and Boog Chadwick, Dutchy Semans, Nigger Bell Pop Clark, Shinny Thing and Pile Wood all come down with saws and axes and helped us saw that wood, we worked all the afternoon and got it done and piled up before dark. then Misses Lewis asked us in and gave us some buly donuts and some sweatened water and we sung and told stories and before we went we told her we was sorry we bilt the snowman and she said she was sorry two. then when we went away we give 3 cheers for her.

The way things look, we'll get what we want for nothing!" Mason, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly jumped up. "So that's your angle! Well, I don't want any part of it," he shouted. Loring and Shinny looked up in surprise. "What're you talking about?" demanded Loring. "All of a sudden it's come to me. Now I know why you've been hanging around the spaceport for the last two weeks.

"I figure that if you figure to get as much as twenty million credits out of the copper, a full quarter share ought to be about right." "Five million credits for a a ship that's been rotting in the jungle for fifteen years!" exclaimed Loring. "She's in good shape," defended Shinny. "I go out there every six months or so and turn over the reactors just to keep 'em from getting rusty."

Genet's in Jersey City; but he died, an' I had to hustle for myself." "Had to what?" Aunt Hannah asked. "Why, shinny 'round for money enough to pay my way. There ain't much of anything a feller like me can do but sell papers, an' I don't cut any big ice at that, 'cause I can't get 'round as fast as the other boys." "Did you earn enough to provide you with food, and clothes, an' a place to sleep?"

Connel had signed on as first officer on a deep spacer bound for Titan. Shinny had come aboard and reported to Connel as rocketman. Shinny had promptly started roaring through the passageways of the huge freighter in his nightshirt singing snatches of old songs at the top of his voice. It had taken Connel four hours to find where Shinny had hidden the bottle of rocket juice! Connel laughed.