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In the morning there were apologies, which we got over at breakfast before our party were about. 'I suppose after this well, I don't blame you. I'm rather a lonely chap, though. His eyes lifted dog-like across the table. 'Shend, I replied, 'I'm not running a Sunday school. You're coming home with me in my car as soon as we land. 'That is kind of you kinder than you think.

Godfrey could take nobly; but I never met a man who so nobly gave and so nobly received thanks as Shend did. 'Tell us why you have been so unbelievably kind to us gipsies, Mrs. Godfrey said to him one day on deck. He looked up from a diagram of some Thames-mouth shoals which he was explaining to me, and answered with his gentle smile: 'I will.

He used "eyne" for "eyes," "fone" for "foes," "shend" for "shame." He did not hesitate to coin words when he needed them, like "mercify" and "fortunize." He even wrote "wawes" in place of "waves" because he wished it to rime with "jaws." In spite of these peculiarities, Spenser is not hard reading after the first appearance of strangeness has worn away.

Godfrey and Milly into Attley's car they were going with him to Mittleham, of course and drew clear across the railway lines to find England all lit and perfumed for spring. Shend sighed with happiness. 'D'you know, he said, 'if if you'd chucked me I should have gone down to my cabin after breakfast and cut my throat. And now it's like a dream a good dream, you know.

We did not tie up till noon, but the faithful Leggatt had intrigued his way down to the dock-edge, and beside him sat Malachi, wearing his collar of gold, or Leggatt makes it look so, as eloquent as Demosthenes. Shend flinched a little when he saw him. We packed Mrs.

'I 'aven't 'eard, said that faithful servant of the Union-Castle Company. 'Quite right. Never alarm the passengers. Ship the dead-light, will you? Matchem shipped it, for we were rolling very heavily. There were tramplings and gull-like cries from on deck. Shend looked at me with a mariner's eye. 'That's nothing, he said protectingly. 'Oh, it's all right for you, I said, jumping at the idea.

'All the same, you can take it from me that the ewe-lamb business is a rotten bad one. I don't care how unfaithful the shepherd may be. Drunk or sober, 'tisn't cricket. A surge of the trunk threw him across the cabin as the steward answered my bell. I wrote my requisition to the doctor while Shend was struggling to his feet. 'What's wrong? he began. 'Oh, I know.

In this ungirt hour there imported himself into our life a youngish-looking middle-aged man of the name of Shend, with a blurred face and deprecating eyes.

There we lay off Funchal for weeks, while Shend did miracles of luxury and attendance through deputies, and never once asked how his guests were enjoying themselves. Indeed, for several days at a time we would see nothing of him. He was, he said, subject to malaria. Giving as they do with both hands, I knew that Attley and Mrs.

We lunched with the other three at Romsey. Then I sat in front for a little while to talk to my Malachi. When I looked back, Shend was solidly asleep, and stayed so for the next two hours, while Leggatt chased Attley's fat Daimler along the green-speckled hedges. He woke up when we said good-bye at Mittleham, with promises to meet again very soon. 'And I hope, said Mrs.