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The sentry fired, and Paul fell flat on the snow quite near the sentry's feet, the shot passing over the Indian's head. In another instant Paul had regained his feet, and while the sentry was attempting to reload his musket the Iroquois grasped at him, and in doing so caught him by his hands, which were clasped tightly around the weapon.

"You can get up the Khyber again and join your regiment." But by that time the Rangar's turban was on again and the tears were dry, and it was Partan Singh who threw most doubt on the sentry's tale about the golden hair. But, as the sentry said, no doubt Partan Singh was jealous.

And his golden hair fell nearly to his knees and changed his whole appearance. And he was weeping. And he was not a Rangar at all, but she, and how anybody can ever have mistaken her for a man, even in man's clothes and with her skin darkened, was beyond the sentry's power to guess. He for one, etc. . . . But nobody believed that part of his tale.

What's up, I wonder?" answered Brent, spinning about to face towards the Calle Real. There was an officer with this patrol, an officer who in his eagerness could barely abide the sentry's challenge. "Officer of the guard with patrol," he cried, adding instantly, as he darted into view. "Sentry, which which way did that officer go? Tall young officer in white uniform!"

"A cadet," he called, in answer to the sentry's challenge. The sentry halted. "Advance, cadet, to be recognized," he commanded. Prescott came to a halt not far from the sentry. Slowly, with evident reluctance, the figure moved forward. "Mr. Jordan!" called Prescott, in considerable amazement. "Yes, sir," admitted Jordan huskily.

"We are ordered out by the captain of the port with a despatch to a vessel in the offing, I know no more." "C'est bien! you may pass," said an officer, whom the sentry's voice had summoned from the guard-room. We pulled on as before; away we glided; now we hoisted our sail. Gradually the fort was concealed by the darkness from our sight. We were free!

There were shellholes now, great ruts into which the car dropped and pulled out again with a jerk. Then at last a huddle of dark houses and a sentry's challenge. The car stopped and we got out. Again there were seas of mud, deeper even than before.

"I'm one of the railroad raiders," continued Tom. "I'm...." "What?" yelled the Sentry. "Are you one of them? Say! Put those hands down and let me shake 'em. Say!" The Sergeant, with four men, came on the double quick, and found Tom and the Sentry standing in the middle of the road talking. The Sentry's gun stood neglected, leaning against a tree.

Lithe as a panther, Frank sprang to his feet, leaped over the hedge and landed heavily on the stooping form, knocking the breath out of the German's body. In a flash Frank's sinewy hands were upon the sentry's throat, stifling the cry that sought to issue from his lips.

It appeared that a native had suddenly seized the sentry's musket and made off with it, when the midshipman, most improperly, ordered the marines to fire. This they did, into the very middle of the flying crowd; but finding that the thief did not fall, they pursued and shot him dead. It is easy to fancy Captain Cook's grief and annoyance at this incident.