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This involved considerable expense, for the stage fare was three shillings each way: it came particularly hard on grandmother, inasmuch as she had just paid her road tax and had not yet received her semi-annual dividends on her Fitchburg Railway stock.

He was deep in thought awhile, then he said: "There'll be twenty thousand profit coming from the ten a year from now. We can spend that, can we, Aleck?" Aleck shook her head. "No, dear," she said, "it won't sell high till we've had the first semi-annual dividend. You can spend part of that." "Shucks, only THAT and a whole year to wait! Confound it, I " "Oh, do be patient!

Perry has nice teeth, a Harvard diploma, parts his hair in the middle. You have met him before in Cleveland, Portland, St. Paul, Indianapolis, Kansas City, and so forth. Baker Brothers, New York, pause on their semi-annual trip through the West to clothe him; Montmorency & Co. dispatch a young man post-haste every three months to see that he has the correct number of little punctures on his shoes.

If a man dies shortly before the cremation season is due, his remains are kept in the house until they can be incinerated with befitting ceremony though I imagine that, in view of the torrid climate, the members of his family perforce move elsewhere for the time being but if he is so inconsiderate as to postpone his dying until after one of these semi-annual burnings, it becomes necessary to bury him.

If there's any fellow on earth who can jump in and scalp Fate, it's our old Dick. There you are, Army chum! We're merely waiting for word that you've won out, for you're bound to." January came, and with it the semi-annual examinations. So high was Dick's class standing that he had to go up for but one "writ." That was Spanish.

Then she told him what his salary would be when he got to work, and what allowance he was to have for the present. "Now, clear out, clear out!" she said; "good-by"; and turned her cheek toward him for their semi-annual parting. Blair, with his eyes shut, kissed her. "Good-by, Mother. It has been awfully interesting. And I am awfully obliged to you about the allowance."

Mamma had often been called in to calm the tumult of his feelings on such semi-annual developments; and she did it by pointing out to him that this heavy present expense was an investment by which Lillie was, in the end, to make her own fortune and that of her family.

Happily the weird sisters were contentedly ignorant of any such remarks, for no duchesses could have enjoyed a more quiet belief in their own social position, and their semi-annual spring and fall rehabilitation was therefore entered into with the most simple-hearted satisfaction.

There was a drought of considerable duration, which made the crops smaller than usual, and thus materially decreased the farmer's income. When the semi-annual interest became due, with the most energetic effort Mark Nelson had got together but thirty-six dollars towards it, leaving a deficit of thirty dollars.

Pretty Pierre, who had his patrol as gamester defined, made semi-annual visits to Galbraith's Place. It occurred generally after the rounding-up and branding seasons, when the cowboys and ranchmen were "flush" with money.