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Updated: August 7, 2024

Why, of course, scud on till the hurricane has blown itself out," he answered. "But doesn't the wind sometimes shift in a hurricane, and blow more furiously from another quarter?" I asked. "Of course it does, and perhaps it will, and we shall be blown back again as far as we have come," he said, taking a look at the compass.

After laying to for three hours they were compelled to scud before the wind. During the darkness of the night the Pinta was lost sight of. The Admiral steered as well as he could to the north-east to approach the coast of Spain, showing lights to the Pinta; but no answering signals were seen, and fears were entertained that she had foundered.

After a paragraph or so our blood Is up, and even our jaded hackneys scud along, and warm up into friskiness. The Duke awoke: another day of his eventful life is now to run its course.

And leaving the other still shaking with sobs, he turned and left the room. He stopped in the office to tell the man that he was going. But there was nobody there; and after hesitating a moment he went on. The storm was over and the moon was out, with scud of clouds flying past. Samuel strode back to "Fairview," with his hands gripped tightly, and a blaze of resolution in his soul.

Whales, grampuses, and other fish of monstrous size, are in such vast numbers on the coast of Patagonia, that they were often offensive to us, coming so close to us that it seemed impossible to avoid striking them on every scud of a sea, and almost stifling us with the stench of their breaths, when they blew close to windward.

After that we had some hard work in getting the sail on board again, but it was done at last, and by that time the squall was over, while the wind had flown back to its old quarter the northeast and seemed likely to bide there. Overhead the scud was flying with more wind than we could feel, and we had cause to be anxious.

He folded his arms, and entranced in meditation, with his eyes raised to the firmament, he appeared to watch the flying scud. "Had you not better go below?" said a mild voice, which made Philip start from his reverie. It was that of the first mate, whose name was Hillebrant, a short, well-set man of about thirty years of age.

None realized better than the young commander what a disastrous fate awaited his ship in the gloom of the flying scud ahead. There was a faint chance of encountering another steamship which would respond to his signals. Then he would risk all by laying the Kansas broadside on in the effort to take a tow-rope aboard.

The heavy, threatening clouds, which had risen up after breakfast and been swept away to leeward by the south-east wind as it got up, were now slowly being banked up along the horizon to the northward and westward, the haze extending down to the south right ahead of the vessel's track, while a lot of scud began to be seen flying aloft at a very considerable rate not from but towards the point from which the breeze was blowing, a sign that betokened not merely another shift of the wind, but a squall, and one not to be trifled with either!

"Carry-on, of course," replied "Old Jock," with a squint up at the watery moon and the flying clouds that ever and anon obscured its pale gleams, making everything look black around the moment it was hidden, "There's nothing else to be done but to let her scud before it until the gale has spent its force. I wish we could get up some more sail, though." "Would it be safe, sir?"

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