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Coolly as he might pare his nails, he broke off the slender shaft, pulled out the head where it emerged from his skin, and held out his arm and handkerchief to Gordon, who expertly bound up the profusely bleeding but harmless flesh wound. Houten grumbled on: "All the time I schmell him schmell dot stuff und I know not enough to say it is oil! My own oil, I will bet, by der Great Horn Spoon!

"What you guff about?" the burly steward asked. "Schmell, py gee its tick mit bad schmell!" "Vell, you shut your maut or I smash your head, see?" The boy laughed, then the steward removed his plate and refused to give any more. Nobody took any notice. We were too busy and too brutally selfish to interfere. The steward was the camp bully and the men were afraid of him.

Vunce more I schmell ze mountain dew I hear ze pipes I gaze into loffly eyes I am ze noblest part of mineself! Bonker, I vill defy ze mozzer of my wife! I drink to you, my friend, mit hip hip hip hooray!" "You have more than repaid me," replied the Count, "by the spectacle you have provided. Dear Baron, it was a panorama calculated to convert a continent!"

Me, I t'ink dot schmell was joongle, by Gott!" "Haul in all lines!" roared Barry. "Rolfe, hustle up all the spare junk and sand. Lads, keep under cover until I call you out." All around the ship the water glared with Satanic fires. The blazing oil roared and leaped hungrily at the Barang's tarred sides.

The old man laughed, and said, half nettled by Sailor's contemptuous way of smelling his whole wardrobe, "Dat is von vine dog." Though the allusion to the dog's well-proportioned form, or extreme sagacity, was one which answered itself, I replied, "Yes; and that is the way he makes friends." "I know, I know," he answered, "if von maan's schmell vosh as goot, ve shoult schmell de tief vary shoon."

Ve keep him, dough." And no wonder. The chest was shaped somewhat like the coffin of a very tall man. "Vat ish he? He have been here four veek and doe days. Dere is no schmell." "I cannot take that thing I really cannot. It is preposterous. How could the chaplain have put my sword into the hands of an undertaker? Get me a hammer; I will knock the case to pieces."

The host of my inn, the waiters, the porter, the boots, all stood in breathless curiosity to see the box opened, and when the sword was exposed "Ach!" exclaimed the host gravely, "I vas right dere vas no schmell, because dere could be no schmell."