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'Saepe decem vitiis instructior odit et horret. Hor. The young Gentleman was, it seems, bound to a Blacksmith; and the Debate arose about Payment for some Work done about a Coach, near which they Fought.

Ille etiam cacos instare tumultus Saepe monet, fraudemque et operta tumescere bella."

"Seneca saepe noster," "Seneca, often our own," is the expression of Tertullian, and he uses it as an excuse for frequent references to his works. Yet if, of the three, he be most like Christianity in particular passages, he diverges most widely from it in his general spirit. He diverges from Christianity in many of his modes of regarding life, and in many of his most important beliefs.

Thomas Aquinas, under the head "Usuria," Mr. W. S. Lilly's First Principles in Politics, and other works too numerous to mention. "Saepe miratus sum," I have often wondered why men were blamed for seeking to know men of title.

Et siquid doliturus eris, sine testibus illis! Cum venient, siccis oscula falle genis: Sat tibi sint noctes quas de me, Paule, fatiges, Somniaque in faciem reddita saepe meam. In these lines, hardly to be read without tears, Propertius for once rises into that clear air in which art passes beyond the reach of criticism.

That censor and reprover of others, Cato, was reproached that he was a hard drinker: "Narratur et prisci Catonis Saepe mero caluisse virtus." Horace, Od., xxi. 3, 11. Cyrus, that so renowned king, amongst the other qualities by which he claimed to be preferred before his brother Artaxerxes, urged this excellence, that he could drink a great deal more than he.

But would God forgive me, if, in my groping, I brought such misery of loneliness to another, knowing now what manner of thing it is?" From the Diary of Eric Lane. "Tam saepe nostrum decipi Fabullinum Miraris, Aule? Semper homo bonus tiro est." "If you care for a six-months' lecturing tour in America," wrote Grierson, "I have an unrivalled offer. You would start in the New Year. . . ."

And boiling youth, when fast asleep, grows so warm with fancy, as in a dream to satisfy amorous desires: "Ut, quasi transactis saepe omnibu rebu, profundant Fluminis ingentes, fluctus, vestemque cruentent."

Horace has gone so far in recommending careful correction, that he figuratively mentions nine years as an adequate period for that purpose. But whatever may be the time, there is no precept which he urges either oftener or more forcibly, than a due attention to this important subject. Saepe stylum vertas, iterum quae digna legi sint Scripturus. Sat. i. x. Would you a reader's just esteem engage?

Innocuas placide corpus jubet urere flammas, Et justo rapidos temperat igne focos. Quid febrim exstinguat; varius quid postulat usus, Solari aegrotos, qua potes arte, docet. Hactenus ipsa suum timuit Natura calorem, Dum saepe incerto, quo calet, igne perit: Dum reparat tacitos male provida sanguinis ignes, Praelusit busto, fit calor iste rogus.