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This, then, being the case, let not these scrupulous and prudish ideas trouble your imagination, but be assured that Lothario prizes you as you do him, and rest content and satisfied that as you are caught in the noose of love it is one of worth and merit that has taken you, and one that has not only the four S's that they say true lovers ought to have, but a complete alphabet; only listen to me and you will see how I can repeat it by rote.

Perhaps no man has obliged the public with a greater number of useful volumes than our author; though several have been attributed to him which he never wrote. His book of Colloquies has passed through more editions than any of his others: Moreri tells us a bookseller in Paris sold twenty thousand at one impression. E R A S M U S's Sir THOMAS MORE.

Bull bats began to flitter back and forth above the tops of the trees. A pudgy muskrat, swimming with head up, was moved to sidle off briskly as he met a cotton-mouth moccasin snake, so fat and swollen with summer poison that it looked almost like a legless lizard as it moved along the surface of the water in a series of slow torpid s's.

There is no escape from the fact that Ireland as a country is cursed with defective natural drainage. The fall of the greater rivers is so slight that they meander hither and thither in "S's," as they say here, and only require a little surplus on the average rainfall to overflow the more valuable land.

'Well, s's he, 'w'en it comes to that, s's he, 'I guess I got some " Punctuated by thumps, spatterings, swashings and much heavy breathing, so that the sound of light footsteps along the second-floor hallway, a young clear voice calling, then the same footsteps, fleeter now, on the attic stairway, were quite unheard.

As she looked, both pictured faces gradually dimmed. For tears had come at last at the thought of leaving father and mother quiet tears that flowed in erratic little S's between gray eyes and trembling mouth. How could she forsake them? "Gwendolyn," she half-whispered, "s'pose we just pu-play the Johnnie Blake Pretend ... Oh, very well," this last with all of Miss Royle's precise intonation.

"Miss S-S-S-S-outherland!" "Exactly; without quite so many S's," said Keen, smiling. "Did she discover that that person?" exclaimed the young man, startled. "She thinks she has. I am not sure she is correct; but I am absolutely certain that Miss Southerland could eventually discover the person you were in search of. It seems a little hard on her just on the eve of success to lose.

"We'll eschew the three S's 'sun, sand, and 'skeeter-bites. That is the slogan of the seashore resort. Besides, it costs too much to get there." "That's an important item to take into consideration, girls, if I'm to go," said Jess Morse. "I thought you were a millionairess?" laughed Bobby. "Where are the royalties from your play?"

The great band of ornament which is interrupted by the lower part of the windows has a rope moulding at the top above which are carved and interlacing branches, two rope mouldings at the bottom, and between them a band of carving consisting of branches twisted into intertwining S's, ending in leaves at the bottom and buds at the top, the whole being nearly six feet across.

Thomas Henry Maitland, at one time Professor of English at the University of Basle in Switzerland. There's an asterisk against his name and a footnote in very old-fashioned handwriting the 's's' are all 'f's, and half the letters capitals. Listen "'Thomas Maitland, despite the remonstrances of his friends, visited Spain.