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They passed through the hall and the small oak parlour, on the table of which stood the three tumblers and the empty rum-bottle which had served for Sir Pitt's carouse, and through that apartment into Sir Pitt's study, where they found Miss Horrocks, of the guilty ribbons, with a wild air, trying at the presses and escritoires with a bunch of keys.

"Take that!" roared my opponent; and the bread-basket, with its fragmental cargo of biscuits, came full in my face, very considerately putting bread into my mouth for his supposed injury. "Take that!" said I, seizing the rum-bottle. "No, he sha'n't," said Pigtop, the master's mate, laying hold of the much-prized treasure, "let him take anything but that." So I flung the water-jug at his head.

He pined after Skibbereen as the melancholy pelican pines for his desert home; but hope gradually seemed to leave him all other friends had long since abandoned him, and he had fallen helplessly into the power of his arch-enemy the Rum-bottle, when a fellow-countryman arrived at Hobart Town from Western Australia. Mr.

I think, however, that there is more chance here than among the little farmers in the settled districts. Here, at all events, I shan't have the rum-bottle eternally standing between me and my man. What a glorious, independent, happy set of men are those said small freeholders, Major!

"You're right, old boy," he said; "you always keep your head cool, you do and when I begin to talk too much I say, when I begin to pitch, I authorize you, and order you, and command you, to put away the rum-bottle." "Take my counsel, Altamont," Strong said, gravely, "and mind how you deal with that man. Don't make it too much his interest to get rid of you; or who knows what he may do?"

A solemn man with a rum-bottle awaits them as they pass into the friendly light of the House: like some officiating priest he gravely pours out a glassful and silently hands it to the rescued seafarer; then the berth and the hot-water bottle are made ready, and the fortunate sailor is warmly wrapped up.

To t'ink dat one so young, too, would go on de sly to de rum-bottle! But where you kin find 'im's more'n I kin tell." "I have not been at the rum-bottle at all," returned the middy, resting on his spade, "but I have had something to raise my spirits and brace my energies, and take me out of myself. Come, let us go to the bower, and I will explain that is, if we may safely go there." "Go whar?"

Look at me I were the per-wersest infant that ever was, till I took to smokin', and to-day, whatever I am, I ain't per-werse, nor yet cross-grained, and many a misfort'nate cove, as is now no more 'as wept over me at partin' " "They generally always do!" growled Jeremy, uncorking the rum-bottle with his teeth.

"Ristow's girl will be here to-morrow, and if you don't knuckle down to her it'll be a case of 'Vamos' for you you can go and get a husband among the natives," and he flung her aside and went to the god that ran him closest for his soul, next to women his rum-bottle.

We got to headquarters at five, and turned over the prisoners. We had never a warmer welcome than that of the colonel. "I congratulate you both," he said as he brought the rum-bottle after we had made our report. "You've got more fight in you than a wolverene. Down with your rum and off to your beds, and report here at reveille. I have a tough job for you to-morrow."