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He took up his violin for the first time for a month, and played through the old tune, 'Cruel Barbara Allen. Rubach came in and found him thus employed. 'You are getting on, my boy, said the good Bohemian. 'Can you come and see the piece to-night? Are you strong enough? 'Not to-night, Christopher returned. 'In a day or two. And he went oh playing 'Cruel 'Barbara Allen' dreamily.

He was enraptured with her. He confessed himself overhead in love. So charming, so dainty, so sweet, so piquante, so lovable was Mademoiselle Hélène. Rubach, half in earnest, half in jest, confessed himself hopeless. Mademoiselle was engaged to Mr. Holt the dramatist. 'And even if she were not, he said, 'is it likely she would look at a poor wretch of a fiddler? She is going to make her fortune.

He finished his music, rehearsed it once with the orchestra of the Garrick Theatre, and then fell ill of a low fever through which Rubach most kindly nursed him. The Bohemian himself was busy, rehearsing half the day and playing at the theatre at night, but he gave all his spare time to his friend.

I had forgotten to tell you that, for convenience' sake, they had quitted their old lodgings, and had taken chambers off the Strand, within three minutes' easy walk of the house. It was here that Christopher fell ill. When he grew a little better, the Bohemian rather began to aggravate him. Rubach talked of the new piece and its heroine, and of nothing but the new piece and its heroine.

'What is that? said Rubach with a wry grin. 'Is not twice or thrice of it enough? Christopher laid down the instrument with a smile. When Carl had left him he took it up again and played over to himself the songs Barbara used to sing.

While the sick man slept or made believe to sleep, Rubach was quiet as a mouse; but when he awoke the ecstatic praises began again, until, before the public knew more of the new actress than her name, our poor invalid was sick of her and of her praises to the very soul.

He tried, however, to take some interest in the piece, and as he became stronger he began to grow a little anxious about his own share in its success. When the eventful night came he was able to sit up for an hour before the piece began, and Rubach had to leave him.

Christopher, warned by his outbreak, which he knew by old experience to be the merest exordium, 'played 'possum' again, with such success that Rubach left him and he went to sleep in earnest. Holt came to see him next day, and brought the morning papers with him.

The manager glared speechlessly for a moment, and then gasped, 'Explain, sir. 'Mr. Rubach, said Christopher, 'had sprained his wrist by a fall this evening. He came to me and requested me to play for him behind the scenes in the last act. You know what happened. That I cannot explain. The situation was awkward for everybody.

There was no present consolation possible, and Carl had the sense to see it. He lit a pipe and watched his unhappy friend sympathetically. Christopher went up and down the room exclaiming here and there against the perfidy of woman. There came an imperious summons at the door. 'Don't let him in, whoever it is, said Christopher. Somebody kicked the door and roared 'Rubach!