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"Sammy," said the father, in a husky voice, as he shook him gently by the arm; but the poor boy made no answer even a roughish shake failed to draw from him more than the grumbled desire, "let me alone." "Oh!

"All right, Massa Nadgel, but mind what you say, else I won't answer for de consikences. Foller me an' look arter your feet, for de road is roughish."

"Do you know of any place in the ownership of a gentleman who would be likely to lend his house to a friend?" "I can't say I do, sir. They're tenant-farmers about here mostly, and rather a roughish lot, as you may say.

It was a roughish, brownish mass about the size of a man's closed fist, and looking like a bit of dirty glass let into the wall of the cliff. "That's it!" he cried "that's it!" "That's what?" "Why, man, a diamond, and such a one as there isn't a monarch in Europe but would envy Tom Donahue the possession of. Up with your crowbar, and we'll soon exorcise the demon of Sasassa Valley!"

'On your lap, I suppose! 'Mr. Falkirk, the accuracy of your judgment is unparalleled. Is that our coach at the door? 'My dear, you will find plenty of cats at Chickaree, said her guardian, looking annoyed. 'Yes, sir said the young lady meekly, dropping her veil and fitting on her gloves. 'All right, sir, said the landlord appearing at the door. 'Roughish road, Mr.

He could make pretty good play in thick country, and ride a roughish horse, too. Well, our farm was on a good little flat, with a big mountain in front, and a scrubby, rangy country at the back for miles. People often asked him why he chose such a place. 'It suits me, he used to say, with a laugh, and talk of something else.

The virtue which it has been most celebrated for, is that which it has the least title to, i. e. diminish the spleen. ASPLENIUM Scolophendrium. HARTS-TONGUE. The Leaves. These have a roughish, somewhat mucilaginous taste.

Dreamland A vision of home Strange proceedings of my brother Ned Roughish weather I make a slight progress A ray of light The cargo The wooden case A disappointment In darkness again A welcome draught My bed My slumbers interrupted by ugly visitors I determine to catch some rats My further efforts at escape My ill-success My conscience troubles me, but I succeed in quieting it My visions Tantalising Aunt Deb and Mr Butterfield The conference of the rats Their opinion of mankind Their grievances and proposed remedies A sneeze and its effects.

"Our fellows are a roughish lot, but they mean well." "I am not frightened," answered Julius. "I am only wondering when the Schools and Universities of England turn out such a set of ruffians as these how long the Schools and Universities of England will last." "Mind what you are about, Julius! They'll cart you out of window if they hear you."